I wasn't planning on changing the foliage Rawrylol .
I disagree with you Wouter. Just type 'hedges' in google and see if there is plain grass behind it or foliage.
Thanks for the replies guys!
Hedges are usually quite thick and these aren't really thick, that's why it needs something to make up for that and i suggest adding foliage. It really looks plain around them which i think is ugly.
Out of curiosity how large is this park going to be?
If it's large enough I wouldn't be surprised to see you get a Gold for this. It's a perfect blend of classic RCT2 design and color and the new hyper-detailed parks.
Thanks guys!
Regarding size, I think this is just above H2H size, if that makes sense?
I sincerely hope to get gold with this, not only for continuity purpose.
The hedges need way more foliage around them, right now they look absurdly plain.
Absolutely gorgeous. Lovely colours.
The foliage is perfect, please don't change it.
I wasn't planning on changing the foliage Rawrylol
I disagree with you Wouter. Just type 'hedges' in google and see if there is plain grass behind it or foliage.
Thanks for the replies guys!
Stop faas, your getting too good
Hedges are usually quite thick and these aren't really thick, that's why it needs something to make up for that and i suggest adding foliage. It really looks plain around them which i think is ugly.
Way cool screen . This should be a really good park.
It's nice and atmospheric. But I prefer your NCSO work.
Out of curiosity how large is this park going to be?
If it's large enough I wouldn't be surprised to see you get a Gold for this. It's a perfect blend of classic RCT2 design and color and the new hyper-detailed parks.
I am in love with that Smoothie stand!
Gorgeous log flume, gorgeous flying turns, gorgeous foliage.
I love it.
Thanks guys!
Regarding size, I think this is just above H2H size, if that makes sense?
I sincerely hope to get gold with this, not only for continuity purpose.
If it's all up to the standard in this picture, Gold should be within reach I'd say
That's my new favorite RCT restroom.