Perhaps a little overboard on the stick fences for my liking but the archy is really nice here, some of your best. The rest of the screen needs more detailing though.
Really sweet stuff Jappy. I love the shallow windows with the purple overhang. Very good combo also with the wall texture.
The overall earthiness is still what makes this project, and it's good to see someone commit to this.
You've used the tall trees quite carefully as highlights, also because they are such elaborate objects. It works, but I also wonder if the foliage is maybe too sparse. I suppose the theme would mean it has to be. I still had a thought if perhaps bigger patches of trees as background fillers would be nice.
Side friction track fits in wonderfully here and adds a necessary curviness. Perhaps there is a way to connect the curved arbor to the light brown roofs (possibly with canvas roof, diagonal beams, etc.) to further cement its height and give the structure even more unity.
I saw this on your stream today and the park is looking incredible. Good job. This screen is no exception, awesome composition and tonnes of atmosphere. I'm really looking forward to this release.
A bit late to the party, but I echo posix's comment on background foliage. The geometry/depth around the tall wall is a bit confusing. Do the buildings and the wall touch? How much space/height difference is there? Is there a height difference with the land behind? More foliage can help clarify. Seeing the wall touch the ground somewhere would also be helpful. Ideally around a small gate or something, that lets us see what's behind the wall so that our brain can connect it all.
Perhaps a little overboard on the stick fences for my liking but the archy is really nice here, some of your best. The rest of the screen needs more detailing though.
Really sweet stuff Jappy. I love the shallow windows with the purple overhang. Very good combo also with the wall texture.
The overall earthiness is still what makes this project, and it's good to see someone commit to this.
You've used the tall trees quite carefully as highlights, also because they are such elaborate objects. It works, but I also wonder if the foliage is maybe too sparse. I suppose the theme would mean it has to be. I still had a thought if perhaps bigger patches of trees as background fillers would be nice.
this would be so sick to visit and experience, it just looks like the food and music would be great.
Side friction track fits in wonderfully here and adds a necessary curviness. Perhaps there is a way to connect the curved arbor to the light brown roofs (possibly with canvas roof, diagonal beams, etc.) to further cement its height and give the structure even more unity.
I saw this on your stream today and the park is looking incredible. Good job. This screen is no exception, awesome composition and tonnes of atmosphere. I'm really looking forward to this release.
A bit late to the party, but I echo posix's comment on background foliage. The geometry/depth around the tall wall is a bit confusing. Do the buildings and the wall touch? How much space/height difference is there? Is there a height difference with the land behind? More foliage can help clarify. Seeing the wall touch the ground somewhere would also be helpful. Ideally around a small gate or something, that lets us see what's behind the wall so that our brain can connect it all.
Loving the textures and colours used.
I love the colours here.
Great texture use.
wow i loved it