This is really nice. When these old style rides are themed so successfully it always hits a high. The way you've found to align the track with paths and buildings is amazing. Usually people have supports go over rooves, etc. Here the composition of everything clicks.
I've hoped for fog in RCT ever since we had the Namibia round, so it's nice to see attempts. I must say I don't think it really works here. It looks more like noise than fog. That isn't to say I would remove it necessarily. Perhaps this kind of object would work better in a pit filled with fog or so, rather than spread around everywhere.
Really nice screen Scoop, I really dig the atmosphere here despite also not being a big fan of the fog object. The coaster looks really flowy and cool.
This is lookin good, I bet it’s so cool in game with all the movement. So moody. One thing I think you could improve on though is the tree colors. Some variation would be nice and some of the trees you’re using look unnatural in this dark green. Anyway I hope you post more of this soon
For me it's the object choice. Perhaps use netting instead of the current object? Fog normally is see-through, this stuff isn't.
Fog is dense. While I don't want to completely obscure the view I also want it to look like fog. The fact that the objects I used are animated also helps and I can also see through the current objects just fine. Maybe it's just an issue of not seeing it in game? I'll post a gif when I have a chance.
The fog is nice, probably can't get the full impression without seeing something like this in game though. For me its what makes the screen so appealing. I'd say keep it and trust your own judgment here.
Archy brings down the screen a little bit, just doesn't quite hit the mark for me even though it is good. Feels a little haphazard and functionless, if that makes sense? Perhaps another thing that might work better when viewed in game though.
The fog is nice, probably can't get the full impression without seeing something like this in game though. For me its what makes the screen so appealing. I'd say keep it and trust your own judgment here.
Archy brings down the screen a little bit, just doesn't quite hit the mark for me even though it is good. Feels a little haphazard and functionless, if that makes sense? Perhaps another thing that might work better when viewed in game though.
Yeah I totally get what you mean with the archy. I'll definitely take another detail pass on a lot of it.
Excellent atmosphere, Scooper. The colors and the wispy smoky details are awesome.
The only thing I don't love is the detached Schwarzkopf track spine, although I think I understand the style of looper track you're going for.
EDIT: Just realized the name of this ride is same as a coaster I built in Dam Park! Great minds, amirite?
This is great. One of my favorites from you
Prime Scoopyman
Keep at it, Scoop! This is a quality screen. I really want to see you finish this full-size park.
Huge fan, love the atmosphere. Station is Fantastic. Make the rct station plat invisible tho, simple fix.
is it possible to make the single rail one increment higher?
Really nice screen Scoop, I really dig the atmosphere here despite also not being a big fan of the fog object. The coaster looks really flowy and cool.
Great screen, great project. Parkmaker status coming up!
Fantastic work! The archy in this is really nicely done. But I don't really think the fog is working here.
So I see a lot of you don't like the fog...... any suggestions as to how to improve it?
edit: at first I was planning on getting an object made, but I thought the combination of animated objects that a few others suggested looked great.
For me it's the object choice. Perhaps use netting instead of the current object? Fog normally is see-through, this stuff isn't.
The fog is nice, probably can't get the full impression without seeing something like this in game though. For me its what makes the screen so appealing. I'd say keep it and trust your own judgment here.
Archy brings down the screen a little bit, just doesn't quite hit the mark for me even though it is good. Feels a little haphazard and functionless, if that makes sense? Perhaps another thing that might work better when viewed in game though.