-the helix following the drop is poorly placed, and would do better coming later in the ride
-the midcourse brake feels bad as it randomly protrudes out and kills flow
-the mcbr is also in a bad place, as in a realistic sense, the drop and helix is far too much into the ride and ruins momentum, whilst placed past the middle and near the end, it wouldn't
-the pacing of the corks must kill unless the mcbr puts the train at an exact stop
-the interlocking corks shouldn't come that early in the ride, especially the way you executed them, and the helix thing linking the two corks together seems far too high and unnecessary
-the lack of flow going the same direction with the cobra
-the cobra being bigger than the corks preceding it
-the hills leading up and out of the cobra roll is badly places and done badly
-the last inversion would look better if it was elevated off of the turn
take this however you want, but if i were you, i'd scrap the layout and work on something better, cleaner, and one with more flow
I agree with everything Shotguns said. The only thing I like about the layout is the helix finale and the turnaround between the corkscrews. Apart from that it really has no flow to it.
The MCBR is way too early and the corkscrews are way too early. Actually if you were to put a loop at the end of the ride the ride would have every element it should have in the exact opposite order of how they should appear (loop, barrel roll, cobra roll, corkscrews).
Obviously you can be creative with the elements and their order if you're taking creative license (though B&M rarely is). Creativity is a good thing, but this ride makes no sense even in the world of fantasy.
I would also tend to agree with the community here. 3/4 of the ride is after the mcbr, which is just odd. I enjoy the composition of the coaster, but it is far too unbelievable.
Yeah, start over.
Not to be harsh, but what where you thinking when you decided to share this screen? "Oh I haven't shared a screen in more than a day, let's just make something in 30 minutes and post a screen of it."?
I just wanted critique for reasons of getting critique. Also i have no idea how to actually build realistic coasters or anything so sorry for that i guess.
try copying real coasters, just look up some coasters on http://rcdb.com/ and try to recreate them in rct, this will improve your coastermaking skills a lot, and you'll end up making your own original coasters better as well
Just spend some time looking at real coasters and get a feel for pacing and flow. It's called a mid-course break run for a reason. You want that at the very least half way thru a ride. Now if you were going for fantasy there's nothing really to critique as you can build whatever you like. But the feel of this says realism. Just spend some time looking at real layouts to get an idea.
what did we tell you about submitting unfinished screenshots?
plus i feel like it's too sprawling, and it's way too green.
i'm making a list of critiques for this one
-the drop felt like it could've been far smoother
-the helix following the drop is poorly placed, and would do better coming later in the ride
-the midcourse brake feels bad as it randomly protrudes out and kills flow
-the mcbr is also in a bad place, as in a realistic sense, the drop and helix is far too much into the ride and ruins momentum, whilst placed past the middle and near the end, it wouldn't
-the pacing of the corks must kill unless the mcbr puts the train at an exact stop
-the interlocking corks shouldn't come that early in the ride, especially the way you executed them, and the helix thing linking the two corks together seems far too high and unnecessary
-the lack of flow going the same direction with the cobra
-the cobra being bigger than the corks preceding it
-the hills leading up and out of the cobra roll is badly places and done badly
-the last inversion would look better if it was elevated off of the turn
take this however you want, but if i were you, i'd scrap the layout and work on something better, cleaner, and one with more flow
I agree with everything Shotguns said. The only thing I like about the layout is the helix finale and the turnaround between the corkscrews. Apart from that it really has no flow to it.
The MCBR is way too early and the corkscrews are way too early. Actually if you were to put a loop at the end of the ride the ride would have every element it should have in the exact opposite order of how they should appear (loop, barrel roll, cobra roll, corkscrews).
Obviously you can be creative with the elements and their order if you're taking creative license (though B&M rarely is). Creativity is a good thing, but this ride makes no sense even in the world of fantasy.
Hypertwist Offline
I would also tend to agree with the community here. 3/4 of the ride is after the mcbr, which is just odd. I enjoy the composition of the coaster, but it is far too unbelievable.
We need a like system for comments. Corkscrewy lol
Layout doesn't do much for me, i echo all earlier comments
I second everything Shotguns? said! I was about to type all of my critiques out, but then I saw what he said and could not have said it better!
I feel like people would die...or sustain severe injuries from those corckskrews.
Yeah, start over.
Not to be harsh, but what where you thinking when you decided to share this screen? "Oh I haven't shared a screen in more than a day, let's just make something in 30 minutes and post a screen of it."?
I just wanted critique for reasons of getting critique. Also i have no idea how to actually build realistic coasters or anything so sorry for that i guess.
try copying real coasters, just look up some coasters on http://rcdb.com/ and try to recreate them in rct, this will improve your coastermaking skills a lot, and you'll end up making your own original coasters better as well
What gdb said. And also try to look voor onride videos on youtube. I always have a lot of fun with those, imagining I'm in the coaster myself.
It kind of shows that you only spent 30 minutes on it.
You'll get there.
Whoops? Something went fout there.
Sure, i'll try to improve my ride making skills.
Nothing on the hand.
Really? I dacht so.
also wouter you might want to show the supports next time, that gives more insight in the height of everything
At least take the screenshot before placing your support blockers.
random coaster shit