I think it looks cool, the building is build into the cliffside really well and i love the terrace going into a cave. It could use some more foliage though, i don't really like the dirt being exposed like that, or change some of them to the rock texture.
Looks really cool! Maybe remove one or two sets of tables and/or umbrellas to give the terrace some breathing space.
Really quite nice. I would agree with Faas here, a few less umbellas would make it look better.
Really interesting though, looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Oh, and if you happen to be trav, as I suspect you are, then please respond to the PM I have sent you ASAP.
But i guess i just don't recognize his style only being filly active on here for almost a year
What do you think of the screen?
I don't know if I like the color of those 1k rocks. Besides that I love everything in this screen. Nice work!
I think the umbrellas should be cut to two colors. The whole "embedded in the hill" thing is done pretty well too.
Unless this guy was just a lurker of olde, why wouldn't he just use his old account?
I really like the way the hillside on the left cuts into the pathway. it's a nice and natural touch.