Lovely! Let me know if you need any help, I could use some down to earth NCSO building.
A scenario remake of Amity Airfields? Interesting as the actual scenario is quite boring. Loving the entrance already, looking forward to see more!
Very nice screen. Simple, but elegantly done. I appreciate this fun kind of NCSO style.
Pro tip: put sand under your paths.
I started this project a few months ago. Progress has been at a snail's pace, but I haven't abandoned it yet! Maybe posting this will help with motivation. Nothing Earth-shattering here, but it's not supposed to be!
Lovely! Let me know if you need any help, I could use some down to earth NCSO building.
A scenario remake of Amity Airfields? Interesting as the actual scenario is quite boring. Loving the entrance already, looking forward to see more!
Very nice screen. Simple, but elegantly done. I appreciate this fun kind of NCSO style.
Pro tip: put sand under your paths.