We can afford it to add yet another ride to the line-up. The log flume gets a new neighbour, in the shape of a swinging ship; 'De Muiter' (The Mutineer).
Evaluating Expansion Plan A The park has seen quite a transformation in recent years. Within a short time period, we developed from a local, intimate recreation park to a ambitious regional theme park. In retrospect, we can conclude that especially 'Het Kanon' has been a great addition to the park. The roller coaster is still very popular, if not more popular than during its first year. Its unique appearance and ride experience probably set in motion a lot of word of mouth marketing.
We also received positive feedback regarding the log flume, but the ride has suffered quite a lot of mechanical problems ever since it opened. Sometimes these were easy to solve, but sometimes we had to get the manufacturer involved. One of our most technical men, Willem, is going to visit the manufacturer soon for a special training. He'll learn literally all about the ride system, what problems may arise and how to fix those problems. We hope that Willem will get our ride to work properly, also so we don't have to rely on external mechanics anymore.
Expansion Plan B As for the competition, we're in the middle of it, beyond the point of no return. As the first expansion plan has been fairly succesful, we're excited what the future will bring. We're currently deliberating our next step, the details of which will be made public next year. All we know for now is that we want to focus more on children, and that the park desperately needs some rain shelters. We already got our good weather ride in the log flume, now we need our bad weather ride... Details next year.
General Park Information Entrance fee children (<15 year): fl. 9,50 Entrance fee adults (15 to 65 year): fl. 11,- Entrance fee elders (65+): fl. 9,50

We can afford it to add yet another ride to the line-up. The log flume gets a new neighbour, in the shape of a swinging ship; 'De Muiter' (The Mutineer).
Evaluating Expansion Plan A
The park has seen quite a transformation in recent years. Within a short time period, we developed from a local, intimate recreation park to a ambitious regional theme park. In retrospect, we can conclude that especially 'Het Kanon' has been a great addition to the park. The roller coaster is still very popular, if not more popular than during its first year. Its unique appearance and ride experience probably set in motion a lot of word of mouth marketing.
We also received positive feedback regarding the log flume, but the ride has suffered quite a lot of mechanical problems ever since it opened. Sometimes these were easy to solve, but sometimes we had to get the manufacturer involved. One of our most technical men, Willem, is going to visit the manufacturer soon for a special training. He'll learn literally all about the ride system, what problems may arise and how to fix those problems. We hope that Willem will get our ride to work properly, also so we don't have to rely on external mechanics anymore.
Expansion Plan B
As for the competition, we're in the middle of it, beyond the point of no return. As the first expansion plan has been fairly succesful, we're excited what the future will bring. We're currently deliberating our next step, the details of which will be made public next year. All we know for now is that we want to focus more on children, and that the park desperately needs some rain shelters. We already got our good weather ride in the log flume, now we need our bad weather ride... Details next year.
General Park Information
Entrance fee children (<15 year): fl. 9,50
Entrance fee adults (15 to 65 year): fl. 11,-
Entrance fee elders (65+): fl. 9,50
a darkride is perfect for bad weather! maybe something VOC/pirates like every other dutch timeline park ever made
It's stuff like this that makes me wish Park Wars was still a thing.
Admins, if you're ever interested in making it a thing once again, I'm more than wiling to help out.