The wacky six flags-esque ride colors, insanely tall 'extreme' coasters, and huge swathes what I assume are junya boy concrete paths really bring back an old style of realism that I sorely missed.
Real mid-late 2000s vibes.
I remember this park and its vast swathes of concrete! Great overview dude. The B&M hyper looks pretty awesome.
ongoing project, about 10+ years later I'm still having fun with it. Ramped up construction and expanded more. Detailed existing areas
The wacky six flags-esque ride colors, insanely tall 'extreme' coasters, and huge swathes what I assume are junya boy concrete paths really bring back an old style of realism that I sorely missed.
Real mid-late 2000s vibes.
I remember this park and its vast swathes of concrete!
Great overview dude. The B&M hyper looks pretty awesome.