I like the idea of the track tearing through the station. The support work is good, and I think the immediate platform area is well done. But I do think that the roof and lower part of the station could use something to break up the shape a bit. What kind of theme/name does this coaster have? Perhaps that could be further reflected in the station building?
Thanks for the feedback guys! I definatly agree that my architecture is far to blocky. It is one of one of my weakest areas in building. ANY tips in that area are greatly appreciated.
What kind of theme/name does this coaster have? Perhaps that could be further reflected in the station building?
The general parks theme was like a temperate forest swamp, state park, that decided to add some rides. The ride was called swamp dipper.
I like it but I'm not really feeling that transfer track. Generally a B&M hyper transfer track would consist of one track that slides along and puts the train into a maintenance building like this (usually by rolling it backwards).
This is a picture of Nitro but I know the other B&M hypers work the same way.
Ok, thanks! I will definitely take that into consideration on any future B&M's I work on. Would you say that construction is the standard for all B&M's, or just hypers?
I would say that it's standard for all B&M coasters. There may be an exception but I really can't think of one.
The coasters almost always transfers backwards too. There are very few exceptions to this... Bizarro and Scream! transfer forwards but I can't think of any others.
This was my first attempt at cso in rct2. I lost the save file somewhere *looks under feet*, but I figured it would be a good first post. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
the way the ride goes through the station at the top seems a bit squished. other than that this is pretty nicee
I like it.
I like the idea of the track tearing through the station. The support work is good, and I think the immediate platform area is well done. But I do think that the roof and lower part of the station could use something to break up the shape a bit. What kind of theme/name does this coaster have? Perhaps that could be further reflected in the station building?
Hypertwist Offline
Thanks for the feedback guys! I definatly agree that my architecture is far to blocky. It is one of one of my weakest areas in building. ANY tips in that area are greatly appreciated.
The general parks theme was like a temperate forest swamp, state park, that decided to add some rides. The ride was called swamp dipper.
I like it but I'm not really feeling that transfer track. Generally a B&M hyper transfer track would consist of one track that slides along and puts the train into a maintenance building like this (usually by rolling it backwards).
This is a picture of Nitro but I know the other B&M hypers work the same way.
Hypertwist Offline
Ok, thanks! I will definitely take that into consideration on any future B&M's I work on. Would you say that construction is the standard for all B&M's, or just hypers?
I would say that it's standard for all B&M coasters. There may be an exception but I really can't think of one.
The coasters almost always transfers backwards too. There are very few exceptions to this... Bizarro and Scream! transfer forwards but I can't think of any others.