Fun and wholesome. The individual rides and set pieces are really great but I can't help but think that the composition is a bit off in terms of nothing really draws my eye anywhere in reference of in-park sightlines. You sort of have three great rides/show buildings lined up around a plaza with none of them really being the focus, if that makes sense. Not much you could do about it now probably, but this is still fun all the same! Carry on, dude!
Lots of great stuff, really liking the archy and sorta vibes your going for here. Maybe a little too much gray once again, but not a huge issue. Do wish you'd hide your queue entrance signs though and actually try to make full backstage areas.
this is awesome
Lovely stuff. Roadworks looks awesome.. only wish it was less obscured by the tall birch trees.
Still love the Roadworks ride. The green flowers in the foliage mix are great!
Fun and wholesome. The individual rides and set pieces are really great but I can't help but think that the composition is a bit off in terms of nothing really draws my eye anywhere in reference of in-park sightlines. You sort of have three great rides/show buildings lined up around a plaza with none of them really being the focus, if that makes sense. Not much you could do about it now probably, but this is still fun all the same! Carry on, dude!
I like this
Lots of great stuff, really liking the archy and sorta vibes your going for here. Maybe a little too much gray once again, but not a huge issue. Do wish you'd hide your queue entrance signs though and actually try to make full backstage areas.
Always a fan of your work, and looking forward to seeing more of this. I like the creativity in making these pre-built designs believable.
That fat mouse is amazing. Great screen.
wooden coaster called 'tinder'? Hope it's a swipe right (or is it left?) for the guests... mouse cinema design is so much fun!
Love seeing tributes to RCT and its default assets using custom scenery. Really reminds me of #diamondheights.
Stop this! haha I loved this mouse, it was nice
Very charming area. Really nice Aviators building, the mouse and the curved walls, and of course the truck ride area is really well done.
So cute! Love it.