This screen shows one weakness that I haven't seen mentioned. The incompatible different types of rockwork. There's the dark, more natural rockwork style, and then in places there's the RCT style quarterblock landscaping. What I like in this screen is how the coaster goes under the lifthill. But instead of threading through the arch, it actually intersects with the lifthill supports instead to get the headchopper moment in, but it also keeps the shape of the arch clear. Not sure how intended that was but I think it was a good choice.
This screen shows one weakness that I haven't seen mentioned. The incompatible different types of rockwork. There's the dark, more natural rockwork style, and then in places there's the RCT style quarterblock landscaping. What I like in this screen is how the coaster goes under the lifthill. But instead of threading through the arch, it actually intersects with the lifthill supports instead to get the headchopper moment in, but it also keeps the shape of the arch clear. Not sure how intended that was but I think it was a good choice.
Josh stated he wanted an imposing coaster and when he leaned towards something like Iron Gwazi, I knew the arch needed to be as pronounced as possible. When I started doing the supports I found that the best tile to put them on was in fact the one with the track going through it. Bit of planning and a bit of luck; that's what I'm all about.
RaunchyRussell Fan Offline
Tasty treat for the eyes.
This screen shows one weakness that I haven't seen mentioned. The incompatible different types of rockwork. There's the dark, more natural rockwork style, and then in places there's the RCT style quarterblock landscaping. What I like in this screen is how the coaster goes under the lifthill. But instead of threading through the arch, it actually intersects with the lifthill supports instead to get the headchopper moment in, but it also keeps the shape of the arch clear. Not sure how intended that was but I think it was a good choice.
The bone tail taper is so natural.
These supports are amazing. I can't imagine how long they took.
not sure if you did the supports or not, but if you did; damn son
is there a screenshot here? just seems to be a black rectangle for me
Josh stated he wanted an imposing coaster and when he leaned towards something like Iron Gwazi, I knew the arch needed to be as pronounced as possible. When I started doing the supports I found that the best tile to put them on was in fact the one with the track going through it. Bit of planning and a bit of luck; that's what I'm all about.
Some of the best support work I have ever seen. It really takes the RMC to that next level.