Thanks for looking, everyone! I'm very aware that the big sculptures can feel like an afterthought, floating above a finished product. But this time around the whole theme was built around the seahorse as a god/idol, so it was the first thing on the map. The concept is that it's a male and gives birth like a real seahorse - in the actual map little chairlift "babies" start to bubble out after about 30 seconds. So yeah increased movement is really the next direction I want to take these sculptures. Also vehicle hacking to create smaller things like my recent dragonfly screen.
Thanks for looking, everyone! I'm very aware that the big sculptures can feel like an afterthought, floating above a finished product. But this time around the whole theme was built around the seahorse as a god/idol, so it was the first thing on the map. The concept is that it's a male and gives birth like a real seahorse - in the actual map little chairlift "babies" start to bubble out after about 30 seconds. So yeah increased movement is really the next direction I want to take these sculptures. Also vehicle hacking to create smaller things like my recent dragonfly screen.
This is definitely the way to go about these large sculpture set-pieces. You definitely bring a sense of practicality to it and your positioning is typically such that it doesn't impede on the map from other angles - I like that.
I didn't know about the seahorse giving birth, that's a fantastic idea. My alternative idea I wanted to propose before I learnt of this was to make it a mech seahorse. If you can't avoid the trackitecture look, adapt to it.
Comment System Offline
In:Cities Offline
my god
Scoop Fan Offline
WTF!!!!! I'm usually never a fan of sculpture stuff, but this is a whole nother fucking level! Like WOOOW.
Recurious Offline
Damn this is pretty sick!
Sulakke Online
Insanely creative. How do you even begin building something like this?
RWE Offline
alex Offline
crazy. i love the tower, but the sea-horse is still a stack of B&M track to my eyes
Lotte Offline
I can't wait to see what you're going to do in h2h
Jens J. Fan Offline
Still drooling over this
mamarillas Offline
Thanks for looking, everyone! I'm very aware that the big sculptures can feel like an afterthought, floating above a finished product. But this time around the whole theme was built around the seahorse as a god/idol, so it was the first thing on the map. The concept is that it's a male and gives birth like a real seahorse - in the actual map little chairlift "babies" start to bubble out after about 30 seconds. So yeah increased movement is really the next direction I want to take these sculptures. Also vehicle hacking to create smaller things like my recent dragonfly screen.
Jaguar Offline
Just beautiful... I love the vaguely steampunk feel to this as well with the underwater(?) airships.
CoasterCreator9 Offline
This is definitely the way to go about these large sculpture set-pieces. You definitely bring a sense of practicality to it and your positioning is typically such that it doesn't impede on the map from other angles - I like that.
Liampie Offline
I didn't know about the seahorse giving birth, that's a fantastic idea. My alternative idea I wanted to propose before I learnt of this was to make it a mech seahorse. If you can't avoid the trackitecture look, adapt to it.
Gustav Goblin Offline
Julow Fan Offline
RaunchyRussell Offline
You're the most creative dude.
Mulder Offline
Glad people like it! Big ups to the great Mamarillas. Nice screen =)
Liampie Offline
You did that tower? It's great. Hope to see more of you. You stand a chance to become to best Norwegian player ever.
Mulder Offline
Lotte Offline
What others did we have? I know there were some but nothing springs to mind, wasn't angroc norwegian?