Wonderland is my home park... can't wait to try this. One question: I can't get the park to open. It says it is missing the TOLS3DSIGN1.parkobj file. I put the file in my ObjData folder but it didn't work. Where do I place the file?
-Thirstydeer: I'm glad you like it! I've attached the sign object in the save file for the park. If you place the parkobj file into your openRCT2 object folder then restart openRCT2 it should work.
I am pretty sure you need Open RCT2 for the object to be functional though
Wonderland is my home park... can't wait to try this. One question: I can't get the park to open. It says it is missing the TOLS3DSIGN1.parkobj file. I put the file in my ObjData folder but it didn't work. Where do I place the file?
-Thirstydeer: I'm glad you like it! I've attached the sign object in the save file for the park. If you place the parkobj file into your openRCT2 object folder then restart openRCT2 it should work.
I am pretty sure you need Open RCT2 for the object to be functional though