Ideally something I can copy paste multiple times - a generic games stall, an ice cream shop, a seating area, or just a random shop building. Maybe even part of a building. Don't spend more than five minutes on it.
I'm also looking for some layouts. I already have an Arrow looper, a shuttle loop, a Vekoma Boomerang, B&M Floorless, Intamin Mega, and a GCI. Maybe a more classic woodie, a Batman clone, or a wild mouse? Premier spaghetti bowl maybe?
Build whatever and I'll find a use for it.
3. Upload this savegame here.
I'll probably finish the park tomorrow or the day after.
What's the date of this park? Before or after 1997? Because that's the date that the last Ben A. Schiff Wild Mouse closed down in Brean Leisure Park in Burnham-On-Sea. Ben A. Schiff wild Wild Mouse, a small intense coaster, could be the perfect small coaster attraction for Six Flags Great Job 2021 Liampie.
What's the date of this park? Before or after 1997? Because that's the date that the last Ben A. Schiff Wild Mouse closed down in Brean Leisure Park in Burnham-On-Sea. Ben A. Schiff wild Wild Mouse, a small intense coaster, could be the perfect small coaster attraction for Six Flags Great Job 2021 Liampie.
Thanks to both RaunchyRussell and battle boy, I'm giving all your stuff a place in the park I think that I'm good now, got enough stuff to work with. Just gotta finish!
Great Job
Wanna help?
1. Download this savegame
downloads: 258
2. Build something
Ideally something I can copy paste multiple times - a generic games stall, an ice cream shop, a seating area, or just a random shop building. Maybe even part of a building. Don't spend more than five minutes on it.
I'm also looking for some layouts. I already have an Arrow looper, a shuttle loop, a Vekoma Boomerang, B&M Floorless, Intamin Mega, and a GCI. Maybe a more classic woodie, a Batman clone, or a wild mouse? Premier spaghetti bowl maybe?
Build whatever and I'll find a use for it.
3. Upload this savegame here.
I'll probably finish the park tomorrow or the day after.
Six Flags You Tried Your Best, Buddy
RaunchyRussell Offline
downloads: 182
Ahahaha damn. I'm building a six flags rn and you're already miles ahead of mine! lol
Sending some food stalls and a small coaster over.
What's the date of this park? Before or after 1997? Because that's the date that the last Ben A. Schiff Wild Mouse closed down in Brean Leisure Park in Burnham-On-Sea. Ben A. Schiff wild Wild Mouse, a small intense coaster, could be the perfect small coaster attraction for Six Flags Great Job 2021 Liampie.
i agree
Schiff Wild Mouse gang!
Yeah that wild mouse needs a home
Attached Files
downloads: 178
Thanks to both RaunchyRussell and battle boy, I'm giving all your stuff a place in the park
I think that I'm good now, got enough stuff to work with. Just gotta finish!
RaunchyRussell Offline
This is a fun idea. I like what you have so far!
a new contest format
only working with this 2 plugins D:
Very good, I liked the entrance and the yellow building