This seems so thematically confused. It's got asian ornamentation, large-castly windows, and wooden barn-like wall textures and roofs. It looks cool, but I can't tell at all what it's supposed to represent, and that's inherently bad.
Very interesting... contrary to inthemanual, I don't think it looks "inherently bad," I think it actually gives a sort of 1200's, dark ages almost Nordic/viking or eastern European look. I agree that the chairlift is kind of meh right now, but I think it'll be okay once you add trees.
I cannot identify a theme either, but I wouldn't necessarily call that a problem, unless you actually had something in mind. In that case I recommend you to take a closer look at the architectural style you're going for. One last option is that your architecture is a perfectly accurate representation of something, and we're just being ignorant.
Also, regarding the coaster, you should make the drop before the turnaround (top left of the screen) go all the way down, that would be quite spectacular. It's not very elegant like this anyway.
I don't think it looks bad. I just think it needs either a clearer idea of what it's going for, or if it has that, it needs to do it better, because I can't tell what it's supposed to be. It looks good, it just confuses me, like ivo, but in a different way.
I think the chairlift may look better with just one tower at it's final height. If you think about it, you really never see chairlifts with so many towers so close together. I would paint the sky buckets different colors too but maybe that's just me.
Chairlifts in parks typically rise and fall directly before or after a station and remain a constant height while it travels around. As for the station it looks like Ragnarok met the Old West. Stylistically it is incohesive, the textures and colors don't explicitly match up. I think if more was built to give us a more specific theme or by explaining what you are trying to achieve we would be able to offer more advice.
The view doesn't offer much for the layout, which from here looks a little random.
love the color combination, but the detailing looks a bit out of place; it's a bit haphazard and there are some mistakes in there in terms of symmetry and placement. Also the second building has strange proportions, it looks awkward.
BigB Offline
the chairlit definitely ruins the atmosphere
Cool station.
This seems so thematically confused. It's got asian ornamentation, large-castly windows, and wooden barn-like wall textures and roofs. It looks cool, but I can't tell at all what it's supposed to represent, and that's inherently bad.
I like it all. Keep going with the theme, I think it is great. Invent new themes and ideas!
Very interesting... contrary to inthemanual, I don't think it looks "inherently bad," I think it actually gives a sort of 1200's, dark ages almost Nordic/viking or eastern European look. I agree that the chairlift is kind of meh right now, but I think it'll be okay once you add trees.
I cannot identify a theme either, but I wouldn't necessarily call that a problem, unless you actually had something in mind. In that case I recommend you to take a closer look at the architectural style you're going for. One last option is that your architecture is a perfectly accurate representation of something, and we're just being ignorant.
Also, regarding the coaster, you should make the drop before the turnaround (top left of the screen) go all the way down, that would be quite spectacular. It's not very elegant like this anyway.
I don't think it looks bad. I just think it needs either a clearer idea of what it's going for, or if it has that, it needs to do it better, because I can't tell what it's supposed to be. It looks good, it just confuses me, like ivo, but in a different way.
I think the chairlift may look better with just one tower at it's final height. If you think about it, you really never see chairlifts with so many towers so close together. I would paint the sky buckets different colors too but maybe that's just me.
year the chairlift ... ... Maybe when it goes up there are more tower , but it doesn't go up . But look by the skilifts in Austria
And Station should lool a bit nordic a bit phantasy and WTF i don't know . I build and build this come out xD
Chairlifts in parks typically rise and fall directly before or after a station and remain a constant height while it travels around. As for the station it looks like Ragnarok met the Old West. Stylistically it is incohesive, the textures and colors don't explicitly match up. I think if more was built to give us a more specific theme or by explaining what you are trying to achieve we would be able to offer more advice.
The view doesn't offer much for the layout, which from here looks a little random.
I like it, but I can't help thinking that a lot of the woodie is high off the ground.
love the color combination, but the detailing looks a bit out of place; it's a bit haphazard and there are some mistakes in there in terms of symmetry and placement. Also the second building has strange proportions, it looks awkward.