Great boat. But the landscaping is random and terrible, in need of geometric shaping such as 1 height of a tile with a tile raised behind it twice as much and a tile behind that raised twice as much as that; for example. I hate promoting my old crap but the mountain in Spaceport Omega uses mathematics such as this to create certain shapes.
Great boat. But the landscaping is random and terrible, in need of geometric shaping such as 1 height of a tile with a tile raised behind it twice as much and a tile behind that raised twice as much as that; for example. I hate promoting my old crap but the mountain in Spaceport Omega uses mathematics such as this to create certain shapes.
Nah bro it's fine. Rockwork doesn't follow simple quadratic formulas.
I also disagree, Tim, but you can make a case for the quarterblock scale and the full tile scale being relatively poorly mixed. Time issues I'm sure - and hardly an issue in my eyes.
Sick boat (that lifeboat is so cool). Fantastic lighthouse. Beautiful.
oef, nice foliage! Shocker: I like that grass a lot!
Love the landscaping. Keeping it real and rct feeling without loads of LOTR rocks and shit everywhere. Top quality stuff.
thats a boat flex
That boat and landscaping look incredible. Looking forward to seeing the GT finalparks in game.
Genius lifeboat
RaunchyRussell Offline
LOTR rocks have left the chat. Love the landscape and of course the boat. So good.
Nah bro it's fine. Rockwork doesn't follow simple quadratic formulas.
I also disagree, Tim, but you can make a case for the quarterblock scale and the full tile scale being relatively poorly mixed. Time issues I'm sure - and hardly an issue in my eyes.
Favorite entry of the bunch, Tols. Really loved what you guys pulled off.
Very cool boat, nice work