Really good colours indeed. Maybe you can even expand on all the purple and pink tones, the colour scheme seems to shift to fully red in the bottom left corner, which by itself also looks good, by the way.
Very likable approach to ncso.. not sure you need the second path color around the planter. the area's shape is a little rectangular, so I'd maybe consider using the area between the rides to bring the path in to give it some shape.
Really charming
Great colours - the lavender and pastel red of the hut-rooves pops really well off the grey.
Really good colours indeed. Maybe you can even expand on all the purple and pink tones, the colour scheme seems to shift to fully red in the bottom left corner, which by itself also looks good, by the way.
This is awesome.
Oh my god I love this. THe purple and peach, ingenious! What colours, what an atmosphere! This might be my favorite work from you.
There's a Kumbaesque level of the nitty gritty in this. Maybe also because the peeps play such a role.
Geez this park is looking so damn good! Love it all! Make room for a new parkmaker on NE!
Very atmospheric. It rivals CSO works with a similar medieval theme.
That's a super fun drop tower, love it
RaunchyRussell Offline
Yeah that drop tower is super cool. Great screen
Very likable approach to ncso.. not sure you need the second path color around the planter. the area's shape is a little rectangular, so I'd maybe consider using the area between the rides to bring the path in to give it some shape.
Lemon Offline
How do you do this with no custom scenery? wow