Love it. Especially the composition of the drop, waterfall, looping, hanging bridge and station buildings is fantastic.
The only thing that feels a bit of is the tower of the station building. Not enitrely sure why, but I think the second story needs some kind of overhanging roof or balconies (a crow's nest?) to look better.
Wow, you're fast! Really good stuff, nin. The only thing I don't like, at all, is that misplaced giant sail. It doesn't make sense and seems out of proportion, I think it'll look better with just the tavern tower. Is there also a way to make the stairs not random grey? You've used a custom scenery solution for the waterfall too.
Fantastic. I love the station and the cleanliness of it all.
Love it. Especially the composition of the drop, waterfall, looping, hanging bridge and station buildings is fantastic.
The only thing that feels a bit of is the tower of the station building. Not enitrely sure why, but I think the second story needs some kind of overhanging roof or balconies (a crow's nest?) to look better.
This is your best work, looks great and awesome little details. Only thing I dislike is the (wooden coaster) rope bridge to rapids steps transition.
Wow, you're fast! Really good stuff, nin. The only thing I don't like, at all, is that misplaced giant sail. It doesn't make sense and seems out of proportion, I think it'll look better with just the tavern tower. Is there also a way to make the stairs not random grey? You've used a custom scenery solution for the waterfall too.
Probably the best sloth theme we've ever seen on here.
Wait you built all this last night? Damn, that's fast as hell. Amazing stuff.
hot diggity dog
Awesome composition.
RaunchyRussell Fan Offline
Damn you're good.
Stellar work nin! Great stuff
It's so effortless, jesus fucking christ kyle.
Where's my 10% for helping you fix the coaster
it's like this kind of work is his job or something. X-D
station: hot
looped brakerun: hotter
scoop can you, like, not be snarky or use the fact that nin is a professional artist as a way to discredit the art he makes in rct?