you use car ride/vintage cars/monster trucks, put a door on the track (no zcing needed), and wait to delete the ride right until the car opens the door
Is it just me, or is everyone rating screens on a 70-100 scale? This is a good screen, but almost 90%, really? Goes for many other screens as well, including some of my own.
i second liampie, it's some impressive NCSO but it's not finished by a mile and really needs a lot of work to be done on it. the community rates screenshots too high anyways, i had a screeenshot of landsknecht voted 80% which is way too high, it deserved to be something like 60-65%
Shotguns, it's very gratifying to see the stupendous amounts of progress you've made since first coming to these boards. The stand-alone building is wonderful, with its complementary mix of structures, track-itecture and textures. The ride interaction is also a big plus!
My only criticism is whilst I appreciate those queue covers, they're currently unsupported. Might there be a way of finding a way to support them at the edges?
the foliage and path edging / fencework here is brilliant
thanks guys, i'm trying to prove wrong some of the supposed "limitations" that some associate with NCSO with this project
How do you get the door to stay open
it's an old trick in ll from what i hear.
you use car ride/vintage cars/monster trucks, put a door on the track (no zcing needed), and wait to delete the ride right until the car opens the door
That building is fantastic.
if you want to work on this any, pm me at any time. the way you play ncso resembles mine
Dat bridge!
It might just be me, but if that's one queue it seems waaay too long. Rest looks immaculate, although would have preferred a completed screen
This is really impressive. Very clean looking, not many people can get that look in NCSO.
i feel like i have seen that building before
Really cool screen. Although the 'limitations' are what make NCSO fun for me.
Looks really good.
The bridge is very clean, nice
Airtime Fan Offline
Beautiful screen. The folliage, the architecture, everything, I love it. Huge fan of this, I really hope it goes somewhere.
Is it just me, or is everyone rating screens on a 70-100 scale? This is a good screen, but almost 90%, really? Goes for many other screens as well, including some of my own.
i second liampie, it's some impressive NCSO but it's not finished by a mile and really needs a lot of work to be done on it. the community rates screenshots too high anyways, i had a screeenshot of landsknecht voted 80% which is way too high, it deserved to be something like 60-65%
Shotguns, it's very gratifying to see the stupendous amounts of progress you've made since first coming to these boards. The stand-alone building is wonderful, with its complementary mix of structures, track-itecture and textures. The ride interaction is also a big plus!
My only criticism is whilst I appreciate those queue covers, they're currently unsupported. Might there be a way of finding a way to support them at the edges?