i like how you're dealing with architecure, but atmosphere is lacking due to your pathing choices
yeah that's what annoyed me the most, the lack of diagonal paths, i think he should use them but ofcourse since it's his first time CSO it's hard, there's a couple of threads about it i think. and if they're not in the objects he can use parkdat
Diagonal paths are bullshit, it's perfectly possible to create a memorable, spotlight-worthy park without them. You just have to use them properly. I don't think the pathing is necessarily bad here, in my opinion it's better than all that massively overrated curve stuff everyone is into these days. The textures are rather dull though, both the grey tarmac and the crazy paving. They don't go well together either.
The problem I think that people are having with the paths is that they lack a smooth transition. Either a better path selection like Liam suggested, or better use of transitional elements, like flat roof pieces, road lines, and diagonals would both help the screen.
(I'm not sure that last sentence was grammatically correct, and i'm actually a native English speaker. You should understand what I'm saying though.)
^I think you may have misinterpreted what I meant by the love heart. It wasn't expressing love for diagonal paths, it was expressing love for what Liam said about them.
description for all who asked
Perhaps you should post a screen when it's completely finished rather than just adding a building every time. The entrance looks very nice though.
That is a lot better now everything has a bit of context.
You're funny... and good.
i am super duper on to you, if this is your first time, then why do you keep pointing it out, there's two possible scenarios
1. dirty liar, like WTF who's that fucking good at their first try
2. huge ego, might be compatible with 1
first try on cso project
/|\ First one.
Love the originality of that entrance.
I guess you're going more for the coloured tiles look of Alsace-Lorraine? (i.e. Rhineland architecture)
yes Rheinland
pssst... pizzawurscht... the rein is dutch, stop taking our glory
i like how you're dealing with architecure, but atmosphere is lacking due to your pathing choices
yeah that's what annoyed me the most, the lack of diagonal paths, i think he should use them but ofcourse since it's his first time CSO it's hard, there's a couple of threads about it i think. and if they're not in the objects he can use parkdat
Diagonal paths are bullshit, it's perfectly possible to create a memorable, spotlight-worthy park without them. You just have to use them properly. I don't think the pathing is necessarily bad here, in my opinion it's better than all that massively overrated curve stuff everyone is into these days. The textures are rather dull though, both the grey tarmac and the crazy paving. They don't go well together either.
The problem I think that people are having with the paths is that they lack a smooth transition. Either a better path selection like Liam suggested, or better use of transitional elements, like flat roof pieces, road lines, and diagonals would both help the screen.
(I'm not sure that last sentence was grammatically correct, and i'm actually a native English speaker. You should understand what I'm saying though.)
yeah what inthemanual said
diagonal's 4live
^I think you may have misinterpreted what I meant by the love heart. It wasn't expressing love for diagonal paths, it was expressing love for what Liam said about them.