Technically you can make paths invisible the same way you make station entrances and exits invisible. But because I had some Problems getting the hacks to work on my pc, I included invisible paths to the map, because in my eyes, there isn't a real difference between hacking the paths invisible or taking invisible paths in terms of in-game look.
Shitload of work if you do it on a large scale, but if you want to build hardcore ncso it´s a way to do so. I´ve done it on one park but next time I´ll use the invisible path cso instead
^^I seem to recall getting it to work without the support blocker, but I think it caused some problems that made it impractical (any other object placed on the tile would be invisible).
The Lilie from the pagoda-theme works, every diagonal basic block works and I´m shure a number of objects I didn´t tried yet as well. You can build on that tile whatever you want, as long as the object you put in the top (at the hack) stays there. Once the park is finished and you dont need to build anything anymore you can destroy those objects floating high above the park and everything is nice and clean.
There is not really much to comment on. How do you get invisible path with ncso?
my guess would be that he included some minor CSO objects that don't really matter, such as invisible paths and black tiles
Or perhaps he enlisted the help of Jonny93 and did some hacking...
Well that's not really ncso is it?
Technically you can make paths invisible the same way you make station entrances and exits invisible. But because I had some Problems getting the hacks to work on my pc, I included invisible paths to the map, because in my eyes, there isn't a real difference between hacking the paths invisible or taking invisible paths in terms of in-game look.
IceKnight366 Offline
Sorry, what is NCSO? I thought there was only one way people did invisible paths: using the path that is invisible on your objects list...
No Costum Scenery Objects.
You basically start a scenario and use the scenery pieces and rides that the standard game gives you.
Or in some cases people use custom stuff that's of their convenience and will still call it NCSO.
Yeah, you can make patch invisible with the nice and easy station-hut-hack you can find here:
Shitload of work if you do it on a large scale, but if you want to build hardcore ncso it´s a way to do so. I´ve done it on one park but next time I´ll use the invisible path cso instead
that hack requires a support blocker though, which is a CSO.
The ncso invisible path idea is cool.
^^I seem to recall getting it to work without the support blocker, but I think it caused some problems that made it impractical (any other object placed on the tile would be invisible).
You can use a fair share of objects.
The Lilie from the pagoda-theme works, every diagonal basic block works and I´m shure a number of objects I didn´t tried yet as well. You can build on that tile whatever you want, as long as the object you put in the top (at the hack) stays there. Once the park is finished and you dont need to build anything anymore you can destroy those objects floating high above the park and everything is nice and clean.