Screenshot / Long lost project resurfaces...
07-July 20
Ilium City
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Two coasters in this screen... my "Zonis Excavation" GCI style twisted woodie and Evil WME's insane "Mass Arcanum" looping coaster. Also some trolley tracks and a lot of techno-sprawl. The yellow structure in the middle is supposed to be a half-buried robot head but it's a little hard to make out what it is. So much of this was just freestyle improvisational sculpture with RCT theming pieces.
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I can't believe this is resurfacing. I remember the tiny teaser screenshots from back in the day. I can't believe you've resurfaced either. Welcome back!
The black coaster is especially great.
Hi Liampe! I can't really believe it either but boredom does crazy things to people
That black coaster is probably my favorite thing in the park. Evil WME is a beast! It's hard to take a a good screenshot of it, but he also built that blue coaster in the corner which goes 100mph and has an excitement rating above 12.
Both of those coasters look mental. Loving all the little structural details around the black one.
Best comeback in years. Great stuff.
What an amazing comeback! Lovely work, a little messy maybe but it really has a fresh, inspired feel to it. Just the right amount of detail.
The robot is awesome. Love the two coasters!
this is frikn cool
So so exciting to see this again, and maybe this can mean I can finally delete the bookmark I've had to the Fiesta topic for this after all these years hah
The pipe and scaffolding details around the coasters looks great. So does the sculpture/head thingy. Otherwise tho I find it a bit messy/confusing.
ps. welcome back! i'm a big fan of your old H2H parks.
What up Gee!
The funny thing is, this is probably the least messy/confusing part of the map!
It definitely won't be to everyone's taste, but I have something else in the pipeline which is a lot closer to those H2H parks in style and execution. I've been looking up some of what I missed in the last 14 years of RCT development and it looks like you've set the bar for LL with Discovery Bay. So you can count me as a fan of your work as well!
really like the attention paid to supporting the train, would be great to see that extended up to the black coaster sculpturally or whatever
Love seeing something like this re-emerge, and the nostalgia for a look closer to when I first started playing rct is great. The free-form feel of the rides and scenery, almost as sculpture, is really great. I'd be really excited to see, if you finished this, how you would adjust this style to the modern game.