I like this, nothing over-pretentious or excessively ambitious, just some good old fashioned park making.
Personally the biggest criticism I'd have is that all the buildings are quite similar in repeating the same wall pattern over again, maybe some awnings or other small details could break this up.
I like the back of house entryway a lot! As well as the overall aesthetic, the park seems pretty relaxing!
I can tell this is rooted in Dutch parkmaking! I like the entrance building, but it needs an accent. A tower or some kind of ornament in the middle.
The main street I'm not a fan of, every building is just fences stacked on top of fences. Most of the buildings don't even have doors! Lack of doors aside, less is more.
This looks like my old stuff! Yeah, large amounts of pirate roofs are a clear indicator of old school Dutch parkmaking.
I like the large plaza, that's def a plus in my eyes. Most of my critcism is the same as Liams, the buildings could use some work. Some are a bit flat and could use some awnings, balconies or signs. Or even doors.
An entrance for a park that lays dormant as I've lost inspiration but want to continue sometime in the future. Heavily inspired by the dutch school of RCT2 parkmaking
I like this, nothing over-pretentious or excessively ambitious, just some good old fashioned park making.
Personally the biggest criticism I'd have is that all the buildings are quite similar in repeating the same wall pattern over again, maybe some awnings or other small details could break this up.
I like the back of house entryway a lot! As well as the overall aesthetic, the park seems pretty relaxing!
Airtime Offline
I think you could expand the brown path out a tile to break up the large area a little.
I can tell this is rooted in Dutch parkmaking! I like the entrance building, but it needs an accent. A tower or some kind of ornament in the middle.
The main street I'm not a fan of, every building is just fences stacked on top of fences. Most of the buildings don't even have doors! Lack of doors aside, less is more.
This looks like my old stuff!
Yeah, large amounts of pirate roofs are a clear indicator of old school Dutch parkmaking.
I like the large plaza, that's def a plus in my eyes. Most of my critcism is the same as Liams, the buildings could use some work. Some are a bit flat and could use some awnings, balconies or signs. Or even doors.
Thanks for the feedback. I hope to release this park someday with all of your considerations included.
I really like parts of it... The pirates roofs are not part of that