I think that's quite nice. Really like how you fit in that recreational area along the main path. You have a distinct use of fence objects to create these little sub-parts of parks which is an important compositional skill people sometimes spend years to develop.
Perhaps the bridge could have gotten smaller to 2x2 where the track goes under, to allow some more sightlines here. Other than that all very decent stuff. Main thing you need in my eyes are stronger aesthetics, but those usually come automatically over time.
Saw this over on reddit and was impressed, glad you've shared it here too! Really love the interaction of the woodies with the path. This feels like a nice subtle mix of custom objects with ncso/vanilla objects.
Racing wooden coasters will always look great imo and this is no exception. The saturated brown is bold but I like the added contrast to all the surroundings.
Your structures are simple, but you definitely have a decent grasp on laying things out. Check out some of the current parks in progress or that have been released over the years and see how people are able to make great structures with the slew of objects we now have. Pick up tricks they use and apply it to whatever you want to build, and you'll be up to speed with the rest of NE in no time.
Nice screen, I really like the composition of the wooden coaster in the bottom of the screen. I think there's just some finishing touches you got to make like the track of the trams that stops randomly or the cathwalk next to the wooden coaster that doesn't make any sense. All will come over time and I'm sure you'll pick that up soon.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! It's awesome to actually get feedback on my work. I'll take what you guys said into consideration and get right back to it.
This is very cool. I remember making realistic style parks like this way back in the day. The idea of stacking mine train track on top of the regular wooden coaster really looks nice and I like what you did with the fences on the turnaround for the white/red coaster in the bottom of the screen. Also the double high wooden fences and the railing along the brake run are nice touches.
The only suggestions I have are:
(1) Pay attention to the land texture you use underneath walkways. It doesn't matter for the full-tile tarmac and I think the grass under the loose dirt looks good in the picnic area but the dark brown walkway around the info booth might look better with a matching brown texture and the entrance/exit to the go-kart ride might look better with a gray texture.
(2) I'd like to see more of a structure built around the station for the wooden duelers. It doesn't have to be some huge elaborate thing, but that's the only part of the screen that feels a little "game-y" to me rather than what would actually be there. I feel like the part of the queue line that runs alongside the station at least should be under the awning too.
I really like this, the simplicity of it, the near absence of CSO, the general layout of paths and rides in the screen. The woodies (in particular the brown, duelling one) and the go-karts look great. I even really like the super simple station for the dueller... It just works somehow. Simple but effective. Nostalgic yet fresh.
The only thing I'm not sure about is the path choice for the main paths. I don't really like that concrete slab path that you've used on the edges, I think just plain full-tile tarmac would look better.
Welcome to NE!
I think that's quite nice. Really like how you fit in that recreational area along the main path. You have a distinct use of fence objects to create these little sub-parts of parks which is an important compositional skill people sometimes spend years to develop.
Perhaps the bridge could have gotten smaller to 2x2 where the track goes under, to allow some more sightlines here. Other than that all very decent stuff. Main thing you need in my eyes are stronger aesthetics, but those usually come automatically over time.
Cool interaction w/ the bridge over & under the dueling wooden coaster, plus the trams going along the path.
I also like the composition along the bottom of the screen, the way the go-kart track frames the red and white woodie.
Glad U are here.
Saw this over on reddit and was impressed, glad you've shared it here too! Really love the interaction of the woodies with the path. This feels like a nice subtle mix of custom objects with ncso/vanilla objects.
Racing wooden coasters will always look great imo and this is no exception. The saturated brown is bold but I like the added contrast to all the surroundings.
Your structures are simple, but you definitely have a decent grasp on laying things out. Check out some of the current parks in progress or that have been released over the years and see how people are able to make great structures with the slew of objects we now have. Pick up tricks they use and apply it to whatever you want to build, and you'll be up to speed with the rest of NE in no time.
Nice screen, I really like the composition of the wooden coaster in the bottom of the screen. I think there's just some finishing touches you got to make like the track of the trams that stops randomly or the cathwalk next to the wooden coaster that doesn't make any sense. All will come over time and I'm sure you'll pick that up soon.
Cute stuff, i'm a huge fan of the tram
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! It's awesome to actually get feedback on my work. I'll take what you guys said into consideration and get right back to it.
This is very cool. I remember making realistic style parks like this way back in the day. The idea of stacking mine train track on top of the regular wooden coaster really looks nice and I like what you did with the fences on the turnaround for the white/red coaster in the bottom of the screen. Also the double high wooden fences and the railing along the brake run are nice touches.
The only suggestions I have are:
(1) Pay attention to the land texture you use underneath walkways. It doesn't matter for the full-tile tarmac and I think the grass under the loose dirt looks good in the picnic area but the dark brown walkway around the info booth might look better with a matching brown texture and the entrance/exit to the go-kart ride might look better with a gray texture.
(2) I'd like to see more of a structure built around the station for the wooden duelers. It doesn't have to be some huge elaborate thing, but that's the only part of the screen that feels a little "game-y" to me rather than what would actually be there. I feel like the part of the queue line that runs alongside the station at least should be under the awning too.
I really like this, the simplicity of it, the near absence of CSO, the general layout of paths and rides in the screen. The woodies (in particular the brown, duelling one) and the go-karts look great. I even really like the super simple station for the dueller... It just works somehow. Simple but effective. Nostalgic yet fresh.
The only thing I'm not sure about is the path choice for the main paths. I don't really like that concrete slab path that you've used on the edges, I think just plain full-tile tarmac would look better.
I really like the open feel to this, it's very quaint and lovely. The simplicity reminds me a lot of older parks. Good stuff, keep it up.
layering is neat