You've done a good job of making the area a junction without making it seem forced. I think the paths are pleasant, and the buildings are tastefully done too. My only suggestion would be to add a splash more colour in the planters and gardens, just to add a bit more cheer to the place.
This is so clean. Highlight for me is definitely the power towers at the top. Seriously sexy. Paths are a little busy, that may be why their not appealing to some people, I think there fine though.
Add yourself a few benches, trashcans, lights, and peeps and you my friend have got some killer atmosphere. Love the S&S space shot/turbo drop. Reminds me a lot of Sasquatch at Great Escape.
You sir, are easily one of my favorite builders right now. Keep up the fantastic work man.
Sorry for the insane bump but since this project is alive again... did you get rid of the Chairlift? That was probably the best part of this entrance area so I hope if you did remove it you re-consider. I may just be turned around though...
structurally it's a win... scale-wise it again feels a little timid but the colours aren't inviting at all... make it brighter, have it show some fun, inviting atmosphere, you're arriving in a amusement park, not a concentration camp... (if this refference offends anybody, too bad, I don't want to offend people but it's the first thing that popped in my head to compare it with colour wise...) your first impression should be, man this looks fun, notthe depressing colours you have now!
you have skill man but please think more about how you use colours...
You've done a good job of making the area a junction without making it seem forced. I think the paths are pleasant, and the buildings are tastefully done too. My only suggestion would be to add a splash more colour in the planters and gardens, just to add a bit more cheer to the place.
It looks really good, but I have a hard time believing you're Dutch.
i'm liking gijssie's california adventure rather well, thank you.
i like this more than your previous stuff fo sho, this has better scaling and all, but i still don't like the path
it's probably just me though, because it works for you
Add yourself a few benches, trashcans, lights, and peeps and you my friend have got some killer atmosphere. Love the S&S space shot/turbo drop. Reminds me a lot of Sasquatch at Great Escape.
You sir, are easily one of my favorite builders right now. Keep up the fantastic work man.
Benches, lights, and perhaps tiny splashes of color = definite gold qu ality work to me.
Thanks everyone, the park is making some great progress ! I'm going to be quite busy on a project in my hometown so a next update can take some time.
Sorry for the insane bump but since this project is alive again... did you get rid of the Chairlift? That was probably the best part of this entrance area so I hope if you did remove it you re-consider. I may just be turned around though...
Hi, sorry the chairlift isn't there at the moment, it didn't fit in the resent entrance setting.
structurally it's a win... scale-wise it again feels a little timid but the colours aren't inviting at all... make it brighter, have it show some fun, inviting atmosphere, you're arriving in a amusement park, not a concentration camp... (if this refference offends anybody, too bad, I don't want to offend people but it's the first thing that popped in my head to compare it with colour wise...) your first impression should be, man this looks fun, notthe depressing colours you have now!
you have skill man but please think more about how you use colours...