With the invert's colors and some tricks like the sign turned backwards at the station, I'm getting some Steppenwolf vibes with this...and I love it! It needs some splashes of color, maybe like some blue or yellow flowers, to help liven up the area. Well done
Thanks! And actually I've yet to check out Steppenwolf.. just did.. and damn its great. The box supports you have are way better than what I came up with
Blood red supports might be nice on this but idk. I think you could maybe improve the lift supports so they're bulkier but other than that I love this.
Very nice. Are the bumper cars supposed to be livestock?
Also the coaster color helps break it up a lot but I do think one more trim color would help break up the brown. Also, try a mowed grass finisher on the negative space when you wrap it up.
this looks smooth and classy, sg
I implore you to brighten this whippin invert up with supports that don't match the earthy brown footpath!
Really wholesome stuff.
Airtime Fan Offline
It does remind of the topic of “does the transfer track work?”... well no this one doesn’t as there isn’t one
With the invert's colors and some tricks like the sign turned backwards at the station, I'm getting some Steppenwolf vibes with this...and I love it! It needs some splashes of color, maybe like some blue or yellow flowers, to help liven up the area. Well done
Thanks! And actually I've yet to check out Steppenwolf.. just did.. and damn its great. The box supports you have are way better than what I came up with
I think a splash of yellow somewhere would look good. Very heavy on the red/brown as is.
This is hot. A brighter accented color like what csw suggested would help out.
Very nice. Are the bumper cars supposed to be livestock?
Also the coaster color helps break it up a lot but I do think one more trim color would help break up the brown. Also, try a mowed grass finisher on the negative space when you wrap it up.
i love this, echo the comments above and maybe remove some supports? especially on the diagonal brakes
Maybe your best work/screen. The red accents work great!