Screenshot / Kelsier Gardens - Main Street


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    very cozy and clean, good shit

  • trav%s's Photo

    Very cute. Pathwork looks very well done.

  • FredD%s's Photo

    That's so lovely! Love those planters.

  • saxman1089%s's Photo

    The corner building is so cute I want to squeeze it.

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Love the colours on that corner building! I'd love to walk there in real life, this feels like so much fun.

  • Luketh%s's Photo

    That planter with the custom tree object and the giant NCSO flower is awesome.

    Super sausy, very eXy.

    Gonna go take a cold shower.

  • Airtime%s's Photo
    The buildings are perfect.

    Really looking forward to this park.
  • G Force%s's Photo

    Love the archy and vibe here, really nice work!

  • Splitvision%s's Photo

    Quaint as hell! I'm really digging the colors and texture combinations here, especially on the right side of the screen where everything from the black roof to different shades of tan and brown on the path flows excellently. What palette is this?

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    Thank you everyone! It's the normal mekong palette split, but I've added the purplish-grey shade in the wouter/sammie palette for the roofs to the left.
  • Ziscor%s's Photo

    Curious to see how it comes together in the larger scene. This is GREAT!

  • WhosLeon%s's Photo

    Awesome stuff, the colors and archi are top notch

  • posix%s's Photo

    This is still looking very fresh and is one of the parks I'm most excited to see in the future. Love the stylistic language you've created.

  • Tolsimir%s's Photo
    This is really really good, love the scale and colours!
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I worry about path texture chaos a bit, but the buildings are so cute I hardly care (great solution with the glass pieces on the tower). The Chinese building in the top left needs work though, the corner pieces are too crude in my opinion. There are brown wall bits poking through. Either come up with a different solution for the corners, or paint those brown bits to match the roof.

  • Chocotopian%s's Photo

    Really cute scale on everything. Very good colour choices too - playful but not overpowering. I mean, just that little blue bin... perfect.

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