Everything here looks fantastic, but the path does stick out to me as more of a hinderance in this particular screen. It tends to blend a little too much with the rockwork. I understand the limitations with colors and scenery, but it would really help to have a little bit more contrast somehow. Maybe try a brick texture around the train station, or maybe a different shade of path for the queue around the large flat ride.
i agree with itm. the bottom half of the screen is phenomenal, and the top half loses it a bit- too many little islands of rides or rocks in a sea of bright cream path.
i agree with itm. the bottom half of the screen is phenomenal, and the top half loses it a bit- too many little islands of rides or rocks in a sea of bright cream path.
This. The path blends too much with the LOTR rocks IMO, and I think your foliage could use one more tint of green.
For the rest is it phenomenal, like we're used to from you. That picnic area is incredibly tranquil and atmospheric, and I love the coaster on the far right.
the path feels like a giant aimless mesh, but the rides and theming are cool and really well done.
Granted, I'm a sucker for monochrome coaster colours, but that wild mouse looks so good.
Always happy to see more work from you dude!
Everything here looks fantastic, but the path does stick out to me as more of a hinderance in this particular screen. It tends to blend a little too much with the rockwork. I understand the limitations with colors and scenery, but it would really help to have a little bit more contrast somehow. Maybe try a brick texture around the train station, or maybe a different shade of path for the queue around the large flat ride.
Keep at it!
i agree with itm. the bottom half of the screen is phenomenal, and the top half loses it a bit- too many little islands of rides or rocks in a sea of bright cream path.
Crazy good, the composition and the contrast between the path and the foliage are simply awesome. I also love the monochrome wild mouse.
This. The path blends too much with the LOTR rocks IMO, and I think your foliage could use one more tint of green.
For the rest is it phenomenal, like we're used to from you. That picnic area is incredibly tranquil and atmospheric, and I love the coaster on the far right.
am i a narc for thinking there should be a fence by the water
I think you could try to throw in some good old crazy path here and there, but otherwise i think that this is great stuff! Keep going!