That looks very nice and realistic, but maybe a few rocks her and there would help it look a little less empty, but that's my only complaint, everything else is fantastic!
Definitely try to break that long straight line of path. Pull the queue out a little bit more, or some foliage in front of the transfer track, but that's a really distracting part of the area for me. It's distracting me from the other things that are good, like the buildings. I'd add a splash of accent color in there too like Faas said.
That looks very nice and realistic, but maybe a few rocks her and there would help it look a little less empty, but that's my only complaint, everything else is fantastic!
certainly looks nice, but the foliage could use a lot more underbrush and those roofs are way too unsupported
Agree with everything that has been said.
Nice feel, but that queue has to be boring for the peeps. Maybe you could integrate it into the ride a bit more?