Some great things happening here. The combined pink/orange colors on the coaster track are wonderful, they make a very stylish coaster color. Also the black path as an extension of the pagoda roofs is genius. Wish I had thought of it before
Great work, really looking forward to this. Not a fan of the coaster track color tho, it blends in too much, I would prefer it pops. Maybe try a red or orange.
This looks nice. I still don't agree with every area using primarily tan walls and roofs (especially with equally tan path), but that coaster color scheme works quite well with the saturated red accents.
I also appreciate the little details that this area provides, like the red lanterns. As long as you're using gumdrops for something, that's my kind of NCSO.
Comment System Offline
Faas Offline
Edit: The orange/peach coaster colours are awesome btw.
Edit: the trick with the martian lampposts looking like lanterns is also sick.
Recurious Offline
RWE Offline
AvanineCommuter Offline
J. Taylor Offline
Some great things happening here. The combined pink/orange colors on the coaster track are wonderful, they make a very stylish coaster color. Also the black path as an extension of the pagoda roofs is genius. Wish I had thought of it before
posix Offline
This is so fantastic alex. Wish you had used that for the whole area even.
A_Little_Boomer Offline
The pagoda roof corners are absolutely fantastic
FredD Offline
I think I never was so looking forward to a NCSO release. So good!
RaunchyRussell Offline
Wow. I was expecting a lot more wooden coaster and monster truck roofing, but you nailed it here.
Kumba Offline
Great work, really looking forward to this. Not a fan of the coaster track color tho, it blends in too much, I would prefer it pops. Maybe try a red or orange.
][ntamin22 Offline
SSSammy Fan Offline
do you need a tester?
Terry Inferno Offline
This looks nice. I still don't agree with every area using primarily tan walls and roofs (especially with equally tan path), but that coaster color scheme works quite well with the saturated red accents.
I also appreciate the little details that this area provides, like the red lanterns. As long as you're using gumdrops for something, that's my kind of NCSO.
ar2910 Offline
I tihnk this is the best example of this theme I've ever seen done in NCSO Kudos!
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
alex Offline
Thanks for all the comments
Sammy - sure, i'll send you a pm
Jappy Offline
Dis gun be gut
Cocoa Offline
I appreciate so much that you're not just spamming red and yellow roofs like some european colonial fantasy of oriental roofing-tile material.
but also I would never expect that of you haha, this is brilliant stuff.