LOL I love how I'm getting so much more comments after like a half a year. Now that I look back on it, I'm not liking it as much, and I agree nothing works here. I hope to install RCT2 on my new PC and hopefully begin making parks again. I miss this!
LOL I love how I'm getting so much more comments after like a half a year. Now that I look back on it, I'm not liking it as much, and I agree nothing works here. I hope to install RCT2 on my new PC and hopefully begin making parks again. I miss this!
a-fucking-greed, lew. nothing works together here, like, at all.
Could somebody please shoot that shotgun child?
Your attitude is so annoying, I cant even describe it.
It´s like, you´re back and you behave like a fucking monkey becasue... Well why, tell me! You´re that superiour? With your twelve years of experience in life? Those one-line nonesence comments you´re posting, they´re not cool, there just stupid as fuck and they show who you are. A little, eleven year old dickhead.
Maybe I´m the only one who thinks so, but I feel like somebody had to tell you
I actually like the screen. Yes it looks a bit random but I kinda like that. Not everything must be clean and realistic to the last nail. A bit of randomness makes every park more interessting, at least for me
Airtime Offline
Nice stuff. The coaster colours make the screen I think.
i like the supports on this:) classic
I feel like everything is random. Nothing is really cohesive.
BigB Offline
I think it's charming
a-fucking-greed, lew. nothing works together here, like, at all.
I'm really not liking that support on the Corkscrew. Impulse supports look great on Arrow coasters but B&M never built them like that.
I like the boardwalk area but it's hard to see much of it in this screen.
LOL I love how I'm getting so much more comments after like a half a year. Now that I look back on it, I'm not liking it as much, and I agree nothing works here. I hope to install RCT2 on my new PC and hopefully begin making parks again. I miss this!
Thanks for the comments and criticism, guys!
lol my apologies, i didn't read the date of the screenshot lol
give us something new to compensate
lol, yourwelcome:)
Could somebody please shoot that shotgun child?
Your attitude is so annoying, I cant even describe it.
It´s like, you´re back and you behave like a fucking monkey becasue... Well why, tell me! You´re that superiour? With your twelve years of experience in life? Those one-line nonesence comments you´re posting, they´re not cool, there just stupid as fuck and they show who you are. A little, eleven year old dickhead.
Maybe I´m the only one who thinks so, but I feel like somebody had to tell you
I actually like the screen. Yes it looks a bit random but I kinda like that. Not everything must be clean and realistic to the last nail. A bit of randomness makes every park more interessting, at least for me
And you contributed how, exactly, MCI?
Shut up, you eleven year old dickhead.
ahem, he's twelve!
lol faas
Thanks for the other comments, guys! But... What just happened?
MCI confessed his long build up hate for shotguns