Nice pastel colors, simple overall but varied enough in how it's used that it isn't stale. I wish I could find the aesthetic balance in my work the way you have here. Keep up the good building and I hope to see the final result.
I love this. Very nostalgic and pleasant to look at.
I think adding some nice orderly rows of flowers along the buildings and waterfront would be really nice.
I played around with things to do with the waterfront and didn't like anything I tried (including just plain grass) so I just left it bare for now. I'll probably play with it more later, I agree it's a little odd right now
Very retro in an interesting way. Nice colours, pleasant atmosphere Reminds me of an NCSO park I worked on back in 2005 (never finished) when that concept hadn't yet caught on.
Nice pastel colors, simple overall but varied enough in how it's used that it isn't stale. I wish I could find the aesthetic balance in my work the way you have here. Keep up the good building and I hope to see the final result.
hey thanks. might be the warmest praise I've ever gotten on this site, haha.
can't sleep so I worked on it for a few more hours. Quite a few changes and additions, it's like a fun spot the differences game.
going to bed now its 3 am kill me
I think adding some nice orderly rows of flowers along the buildings and waterfront would be really nice.
Good work!
Very charming. It has a wooden building-blocks kinda vibe.
Lovely colors
v3. redesigned the water coaster and cleaned up a few ugly bits
thanks for the nice comments
Ok, last update, I swear. I'd call this 95% finished. Too lazy to crop.
also haven't really touched the splashdown part yet so just ignore that ty
If you're keeping the land bare next to the water, maybe go with a less murky texture like grass or sand?
I played around with things to do with the waterfront and didn't like anything I tried (including just plain grass) so I just left it bare for now. I'll probably play with it more later, I agree it's a little odd right now
Duo with Kai?
Very retro in an interesting way. Nice colours, pleasant atmosphere Reminds me of an NCSO park I worked on back in 2005 (never finished) when that concept hadn't yet caught on.