1: nice work..
2: I would seriously consider narrowing the "width" by one full tile, left to right, especially the red brick path. Seems too wide to me. My humble opinion. I Like the basic aesthetics you have going on though.
Like it a lot! Clean and almost minimalist but not uninteresting. The flags make it pop, as mentioned. Two things that come to mind:
- Did you try to put trim along the roofs? Right now they seem to end rather sharply and abruptly, especially with that dark brown colour which gives them a high contrast to the surroundings. Some trim could mitigate that.
- I think you could find a better color combo for the red planters with yellow flowers standing next to the planters at the top. Blue or purple for the planters perhaps? White for the flowers? Not sure but could be worth tinkering around with.
BTW You might already know this little trick, but at any rate, here's a way to fix the glitching sign (unless you were actually going for "annual ass"):
- Add in a "P" to the first sign, so that in the dialog window for the sign it says "annual p"
- space the words out on both signs so that they are centered (i.e. add space before the text on the first sign, and after the text on the second sign).
- Experiment with the spacing until the P from the first sign overlaps with the P from the second sign
I've gotten this to work quite well - there might be a tiny bit of blurring because of the overlap but generally it should be readable, and at any rate I think it's definitely better than having letters disappearing from certain angles.
Excellent work! Great building, good colors and the 'annuall ass' sign made me laugh even if it was a coincidence.
I would either get rid of the road lines or give them a brown color though. They're a bit trippy in combination with the roofs and other details, who have the same color.
Looks like a nice entrance area, especially the plaza at the back looks promising in sight of openness. My only critique points would be the already mentioned short umbrellas and the lamp posts at the parking lot. They seem a little out of scale there compared with the size of the parking lot spaces, the information board and the birch trees. Maybe try out some larger ones
Wow haven't seen you around in a long time man, I still remember the 2007 - 2008 days. Glad to see you still park making. I see your going for realism, not sure about the flower pots behind the ticket booths in the front. How are employees supposed to get in and out?
Thanks everyone! Didn't notice the sign before but it's fixed now. I've reworked the umbrellas and I'll consider the other things.
@Splitvision: I'll probably tinker with the red pots, thanks. I need to rework the plaza beyond what's shown anyway.
@MK98: Do you mean the dark brown road lines? I wanted to create a border between the two paths that was a bit subtle. I've tried white and grey but didn't like the look of them.
@Tols: Will work on the lamps, originally I was trying to avoid using Liam's tall lamp object because it's small scenery and I don't have a lot of slots unused. I might try converting the tall one into large scenery.
@Chemist: Think you've got me mixed with someone else haha, I didn't join until 2011. And you're right about the booths, they'd have to climb in through the windows atm lol, will fix it.
Thanks everyone! Didn't notice the sign before but it's fixed now. I've reworked the umbrellas and I'll consider the other things.
@Splitvision: I'll probably tinker with the red pots, thanks. I need to rework the plaza beyond what's shown anyway.
@MK98: Do you mean the dark brown road lines? I wanted to create a border between the two paths that was a bit subtle. I've tried white and grey but didn't like the look of them.
@Tols: Will work on the lamps, originally I was trying to avoid using Liam's tall lamp object because it's small scenery and I don't have a lot of slots unused. I might try converting the tall one into large scenery.
@Chemist: Think you've got me mixed with someone else haha, I didn't join until 2011. And you're right about the booths, they'd have to climb in through the windows atm lol, will fix it.
I might have the wrong years mixed up but not the person. I remember exactly who you are lol.
I love the dark brown roofs but with that, it almost clashes with the normal tan wood and beige paths. Every form used in the buildings is very skilled but I can't help but find the colors to be almost amateur.
The stone arches used don't exactly make sense here but I get what you were going for. Maybe try and hide these with awnings sprawling into the paths a little or find a different option.
The more I look at it, are the rounded beige paths even needed? The other path edges aren't as soft and I rather you swap this path feature in lieu of some more adventurous planters (maybe even a fountain(s)?).
2: I would seriously consider narrowing the "width" by one full tile, left to right, especially the red brick path. Seems too wide to me. My humble opinion. I Like the basic aesthetics you have going on though.
looks great, flags are a nice burst of color
Clock tower maybe a bit short? Love the atmosphere.
This is fantastic. Such a warm and inviting atmosphere. I love the planters and colors throughout.
Like it a lot! Clean and almost minimalist but not uninteresting. The flags make it pop, as mentioned. Two things that come to mind:
- Did you try to put trim along the roofs? Right now they seem to end rather sharply and abruptly, especially with that dark brown colour which gives them a high contrast to the surroundings. Some trim could mitigate that.
- I think you could find a better color combo for the red planters with yellow flowers standing next to the planters at the top. Blue or purple for the planters perhaps? White for the flowers? Not sure but could be worth tinkering around with.
BTW You might already know this little trick, but at any rate, here's a way to fix the glitching sign (unless you were actually going for "annual ass"):
- Add in a "P" to the first sign, so that in the dialog window for the sign it says "annual p"
- space the words out on both signs so that they are centered (i.e. add space before the text on the first sign, and after the text on the second sign).
- Experiment with the spacing until the P from the first sign overlaps with the P from the second sign
I've gotten this to work quite well - there might be a tiny bit of blurring because of the overlap but generally it should be readable, and at any rate I think it's definitely better than having letters disappearing from certain angles.
Good job!
Excellent work! Great building, good colors and the 'annuall ass' sign made me laugh even if it was a coincidence.
I would either get rid of the road lines or give them a brown color though. They're a bit trippy in combination with the roofs and other details, who have the same color.
Looks like a nice entrance area, especially the plaza at the back looks promising in sight of openness. My only critique points would be the already mentioned short umbrellas and the lamp posts at the parking lot. They seem a little out of scale there compared with the size of the parking lot spaces, the information board and the birch trees. Maybe try out some larger ones
Wow haven't seen you around in a long time man, I still remember the 2007 - 2008 days. Glad to see you still park making. I see your going for realism, not sure about the flower pots behind the ticket booths in the front. How are employees supposed to get in and out?
Thanks everyone! Didn't notice the sign before
but it's fixed now. I've reworked the umbrellas and I'll consider the other things.
@Splitvision: I'll probably tinker with the red pots, thanks. I need to rework the plaza beyond what's shown anyway.
@MK98: Do you mean the dark brown road lines? I wanted to create a border between the two paths that was a bit subtle. I've tried white and grey but didn't like the look of them.
@Tols: Will work on the lamps, originally I was trying to avoid using Liam's tall lamp object because it's small scenery and I don't have a lot of slots unused. I might try converting the tall one into large scenery.
@Chemist: Think you've got me mixed with someone else haha, I didn't join until 2011. And you're right about the booths, they'd have to climb in through the windows atm lol, will fix it.
I might have the wrong years mixed up but not the person. I remember exactly who you are lol.
This is a really nice screen, love the atmosphere and style you've established here. Feels like the start of a great park.
Looking forward to seeing more.
Not sure if the dark brown road lines are necessary, but great screen!
This is really great, so I'm going to nitpick:
I love the dark brown roofs but with that, it almost clashes with the normal tan wood and beige paths. Every form used in the buildings is very skilled but I can't help but find the colors to be almost amateur.
The stone arches used don't exactly make sense here but I get what you were going for. Maybe try and hide these with awnings sprawling into the paths a little or find a different option.
The more I look at it, are the rounded beige paths even needed? The other path edges aren't as soft and I rather you swap this path feature in lieu of some more adventurous planters (maybe even a fountain(s)?).
Keep going.