Screenshot / Dive and Side Friction
16-November 19
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- Comments 5
So I'm making a 150x150 park. I'm a simple man, so I don't have any custom scenery. I've put a good amount of effort into these coasters.
Dive Stats
Excitement: 8.23
Intensity: 9.02
Nausea: 4.92
Side Friction Stats
Excitement: 5.63
Intensity: 6.97
Nausea: 4.01
I've completed this in the span of 3 hours so, I think I'll get some rest. -
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I really like how big that side friction looks!
Dyl_Chill Offline
Thanks! I'm trying to make rides that don't normally have high excitement rates more intense.
Second on the side friction comment, love that coaster type. Dive machine looks epic too. Only thing I would say is cut down a little on the oak trees, I think they're a little too overused. Maybe use some more of those fruit trees you have by the side friction lift hill instead?
Dyl_Chill Offline
Thanks. It always looks nice with more variety! I'll work on that
I don't like that twisting drop at all. The side friction is cool.