Screenshot / Mama Bear - 6 mos later (Mar 2, 2019)
02-September 19
The Masters Palette - RCTM #20
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Six months later and it is still hard to believe she's gone.
In loving memory of Marjan de Goede (1954 - 2019), I present to you one of her favorite artists - Van Gogh.
"The Yellow House (in Arles)" by Mama Bear in 2004.
The Masters Palette is almost done - please take a look at the lovely artist we lost...more soon when it is released. -
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Sorry for your loss. The screen is lovely!
This is quite lovely. I love the woodie colours... Starry Night?
Rest in piece Mama Bear.... Your legacy will live on!
Thanks Kai for doing this, it's a great tribute to Mama Bear and her legacy.
Not just mine, but all of ours. She was a truly genuine person and advocate of RCT creativity. I only wish I'd been better staying in touch on my end the last few years, but as always real life happens. Glad you like her work here, I love how it pops.
Thanks - she loved this area as modest as she was. The woodie is a neighbor, but also a lovely area from your neck of the woods...or fields. While scrubbing the park for shops and stalls and such, I've come to appreciate even more how much detail she hid so easily.
Indeed as it should - thanks!
She deserves nothing less, although I waited too long. Palette should have been released well before she ever had to deal with fucking cancer (which no one deserves mind you.) I will never be able to apologize enough for that.
I can only wrap it up to the best of my ability and make it public for all to enjoy, despise, praise or disparage...just like she would have wanted. Just like art.
It's great to see this. Thank you again for taking on this work.
EDIT: Mama Bear created the sunflowers specifically for Van Gogh. This post reminded me: