I like the general forms of the buildings. It's elementary by today's hyper-detailed aesthetic standards but I still like it. It reminds me of some buildings that I had to remove from my park Igno-Reme due to reaching the object limit. It was a similar cluster of forms with white walls and black rooves. Those save files are surely lost to history, just like my first solo park Universal Studios New World.
Thanks for the comments and keeping in mind that The Judge created this area in 2004 with 2003 objects..thw style is old but brings in the essence of fear/terror intended.
Yea, the early early early days of CSO, with as I have stated before as limited to no parkdat afterwards.
Not as a cop out by any means, but all 4 canvases are not the same, and while your Escher is fantastic, the Modern Canvas of all things was the most limited for CSO.
No wonder it took me 10 yrs to mentally prepare for FLW.
I think The Judge did an excellent job for what he had available for CSO, nevermind taking on Giger's Alien and Hell's Angel art. I love this section to death.
It unfortunately doesn't look like Giger's art style to me, but that doesn't mean it's not bad in any way. It's a little harder to get those organic curves and repetitive patterns that he features in his work to convey well in this game - even with crazy levels of custom scenery.
Really looking forward to this project getting released!
I honestly had to google Giger, and I agree that you didn't capture it too well, looking at his work it looks a lot more organic and heavily textured. Purely as an RCT work this is cool, it looks different and I like it when areas have a very distinct look to them. I think this park will meet all my needs for such RCT.
*limited 2003 CSO objects
**built in 2004 by The Judge, 90%+ if not almost all
I agree on the organic curves aspect, but having seen this area (for years) I would say that the spirit of the subject matter is there, especially across the whole area vs a snippet. Theme, rides, subject matter, sense of urgency.
And if you are looking for varied areas, there are at least 25 of them across 4 maps, not counting the distinct entrances and midways.
I like the general forms of the buildings. It's elementary by today's hyper-detailed aesthetic standards but I still like it. It reminds me of some buildings that I had to remove from my park Igno-Reme due to reaching the object limit. It was a similar cluster of forms with white walls and black rooves. Those save files are surely lost to history, just like my first solo park Universal Studios New World.
I like the red windows. Quite a lot of them aliens in this screen haha.
I am thankful for his work on this...
This project is a fantastic time capsule. I remember when I first got the MP bench and looking at the CSO selection in dismay.
Not as a cop out by any means, but all 4 canvases are not the same, and while your Escher is fantastic, the Modern Canvas of all things was the most limited for CSO.
No wonder it took me 10 yrs to mentally prepare for FLW.
I think The Judge did an excellent job for what he had available for CSO, nevermind taking on Giger's Alien and Hell's Angel art. I love this section to death.
It unfortunately doesn't look like Giger's art style to me, but that doesn't mean it's not bad in any way. It's a little harder to get those organic curves and repetitive patterns that he features in his work to convey well in this game - even with crazy levels of custom scenery.
Really looking forward to this project getting released!
I honestly had to google Giger, and I agree that you didn't capture it too well, looking at his work it looks a lot more organic and heavily textured. Purely as an RCT work this is cool, it looks different and I like it when areas have a very distinct look to them. I think this park will meet all my needs for such RCT.
**built in 2004 by The Judge, 90%+ if not almost all
I agree on the organic curves aspect, but having seen this area (for years) I would say that the spirit of the subject matter is there, especially across the whole area vs a snippet. Theme, rides, subject matter, sense of urgency.
And if you are looking for varied areas, there are at least 25 of them across 4 maps, not counting the distinct entrances and midways.
Thx for the comments!