I think I'm starting to get the overall theme for this park and it excites me. Looking nice, as always! The bridge on the left over the railway looks a bit flimsy though, and lacking depth. I'd figure out a way to make the multi-level design look less flat, some vertical elements like supports or columns could work even if they're not structurally needed. Or a tree behind the bridge to separate the layers.
...The bridge on the left over the railway looks a bit flimsy though, and lacking depth. I'd figure out a way to make the multi-level design look less flat, some vertical elements like supports or columns could work even if they're not structurally needed. Or a tree behind the bridge to separate the layers.
After absorbing your comments and further studying your teachings*, I submit the following modification to my bridge.
*I acknowledge that I'm still violating rules 2 and 20, among possible others.
Comment System Offline
Lilith Offline
this is lovely
KaiBueno Offline
cBass Offline
Attached Thumbnails
KaiBueno Offline
so good with your layering.
inthemanual Offline
amazing colors and composition
Liampie Offline
cBass Offline
After absorbing your comments and further studying your teachings*, I submit the following modification to my bridge.
*I acknowledge that I'm still violating rules 2 and 20, among possible others.
RCThibo Offline
Don't worry, you can always break a couple rules. Just don't use mint grass. Ever. You will burn in hell if you use mint grass.
KaiBueno Offline