I sorta like the rockwork. Sometimes when you have rocks and regular landblocks together it gets a bit muddled and its hard to read what exactly stands for what. this sort of feels like fake themepark rockwork, in a nice way. I'm only not sure about the black rooves on the mountain, seems a bit uneccesary? Maybe some foliage in and around could help
I agree, I'm always highly skeptical of rockwork like this, but you did it consistently enough that it comes off as fake rock convincingly. I also agree about the little bit of black roof... It's such a little bit that it hardly makes sense. I would use that little flat space for some trees - the smallest pines you can find, to get some forced perspective action going. Also try adding more depth in the path tunnel. And please get rid of that random grey block around the rapids.
Very excited to see a new park by you! Build economically!
Use Liam's tip about putting trees behind this to give it depth. I also agree with the idea of using some smaller trees on the mountain itself to provide some forced perspective.
thanks for the comments y'all! adding smaller plants and things to force the perspective is a good point; i'll definitely fill the mountain in with a bit more foliage. y'all also bring up a good point about the black rooves; so that'll change as well. In terms of the mountain being steep and pretty fake looking, that is kind of the look that I was going for. this is suppose to be the 'weenie' so i was trying to make it more imposing, and i felt that a shallow slope would've lessened the impact that the mountain has on the park. i'll share another screen when the area is a bit more filled out and hopefully it'll look more in-place then! thanks y'all
Quite impressive. Very good rock gradient going on with only three colours.
The rockwork needs breaking up with a bit of standard land. as it stands it's a little incomprehensible
Seriously, rockin dude.
agreed. I think it's hard to tell how tall this thing is exactly since the repeated texture flattens it.
I sorta like the rockwork. Sometimes when you have rocks and regular landblocks together it gets a bit muddled and its hard to read what exactly stands for what. this sort of feels like fake themepark rockwork, in a nice way. I'm only not sure about the black rooves on the mountain, seems a bit uneccesary? Maybe some foliage in and around could help
Very excited to see a new park by you! Build economically!
Use Liam's tip about putting trees behind this to give it depth. I also agree with the idea of using some smaller trees on the mountain itself to provide some forced perspective.
Nice work though groupon
Well good that you're doing a new BLAP. But I'm not feeling this screen to be honest, the LOTR is just too overwhelming for me. Sorry.
If the idea is that mountain shouldn't feel natural, then you've succeeded IMO.... It needs more green!
Not bad, rockword looks very fake to me tho. Not a huge fan of LOTR spam.
oh... my bad.
thanks for the comments y'all! adding smaller plants and things to force the perspective is a good point; i'll definitely fill the mountain in with a bit more foliage. y'all also bring up a good point about the black rooves; so that'll change as well. In terms of the mountain being steep and pretty fake looking, that is kind of the look that I was going for. this is suppose to be the 'weenie' so i was trying to make it more imposing, and i felt that a shallow slope would've lessened the impact that the mountain has on the park. i'll share another screen when the area is a bit more filled out and hopefully it'll look more in-place then! thanks y'all