This is almost good, but the architecture reminds me more of gigantic warehouses than appealing theme park architecture. Don't make your buildings blocky like this, and definitely don't make them so big they could house the entire population of India and China combined. I'd say the main street is too long anyway, half this (and with a much narrower pond) would still make for a good street. Even if your buildings are big, a good trick to make it easy to digest and to look at is by making it look like it's mutiple buildings, even though they're secretly all part of the same building behind the facades. Pretty much every theme park main street works like that!
I see what you mean. Thanks for your input! My layout was inspired by the International Street's of Canada's Wonderland, Kings Island and Kings Dominion. I looked on Google Earth and all of those ponds of all of those real layouts are 80 feet by 320 feet and mine is 100X340 feet (I figure it's a about 10 feet per tile.) The buildings in the real layouts are about 40 to 50 feet wide and mine are 60 feet wide. The real layouts also contain 4 shorter buildings rather than 2 longer ones and have much more variety. The most difficult part for me would be creating buildings with more variety. I know the buildings could a lot look better with more variety, but I haven't been able to imagine what to create. Maybe I'll look at some pictures and try to create a better style.
why not try and build exactly what you see in the pictures? Obviously it won't come out identical but its a good step towards building with more variety, and you don't even have to invent the forms- just translate them into rct. Which is hard! But a worthwhile exercise to improve.
I'm not sure how to add a picture to a post. I'll attempt to post one. The street certainly has more variety now! I'm not trying for super realism in this park, but I do want it to be at least somewhat believable.
This is almost good, but the architecture reminds me more of gigantic warehouses than appealing theme park architecture. Don't make your buildings blocky like this, and definitely don't make them so big they could house the entire population of India and China combined. I'd say the main street is too long anyway, half this (and with a much narrower pond) would still make for a good street. Even if your buildings are big, a good trick to make it easy to digest and to look at is by making it look like it's mutiple buildings, even though they're secretly all part of the same building behind the facades. Pretty much every theme park main street works like that!
I see what you mean. Thanks for your input! My layout was inspired by the International Street's of Canada's Wonderland, Kings Island and Kings Dominion. I looked on Google Earth and all of those ponds of all of those real layouts are 80 feet by 320 feet and mine is 100X340 feet (I figure it's a about 10 feet per tile.) The buildings in the real layouts are about 40 to 50 feet wide and mine are 60 feet wide. The real layouts also contain 4 shorter buildings rather than 2 longer ones and have much more variety. The most difficult part for me would be creating buildings with more variety. I know the buildings could a lot look better with more variety, but I haven't been able to imagine what to create. Maybe I'll look at some pictures and try to create a better style.
why not try and build exactly what you see in the pictures? Obviously it won't come out identical but its a good step towards building with more variety, and you don't even have to invent the forms- just translate them into rct. Which is hard! But a worthwhile exercise to improve.
I'm not sure how to add a picture to a post. I'll attempt to post one. The street certainly has more variety now! I'm not trying for super realism in this park, but I do want it to be at least somewhat believable.
Attached Thumbnails
That's a great improvement!