Looks solid. Track used to be grey and was rusting. Having been a season pass holder the last 3 years, I agree with the black. But not a big deal on the color.
Id say theres actual some subtle elevation changes in the area. Mostly the bike trail and county road 101 sit slightly higher than the small plot of land the ride occupies. Also there is a very subtle swale of rocks where the long straight section at the bottom of the first drop sits. Exaggerating some small elevation changes might make the area more interesting to the viewers eye. Same with the staton area, the land under the queue and station seem to sit just a little higher than the rest of the layout.
The layout here actually fits together with the crossings in roughly the right spots, which is something Ive always struggled with in my attempts, so great job there. The supports are convincing while being easy to read, another plus in my book. The turnaround right after the first drop isnt quite that semetrical imo. Sorry for the crappy google street screenshot taken on my phone, but I think it illustrates:
It kind of looks like the first half is how you have it, then once the track is turned north, Id level it out and finish the turn to face east. Then use a steep drop to get back down to ground level. Thats also kind of what this element feels like when you ride it: banked turning rise, kind of levels out halfway through, awkwardly finish the turn with a steep drop back to the ground.
Good luck with the rest of the park! Be careful about how long this park actually is on the south side. Fitting in a out-and-back hyper, soak city, Excalibur, and Steel Venom (and the rest of the Route 66 area) along the same line with almost no length overlap eats up tiles fast. Excited to see where this goes!
Not much to see here, support work is not bad tho
in my head, the track is more a grey/ rusty metal color as opposed to black? maybe my memory is failing tho
DCMM Offline
Yep, starting work on Thunder Canyon's station/queue and Soak City.
DCMM Offline
Some pictures it looked black and some other it looked grey. I might change it to grey.
Id say theres actual some subtle elevation changes in the area. Mostly the bike trail and county road 101 sit slightly higher than the small plot of land the ride occupies. Also there is a very subtle swale of rocks where the long straight section at the bottom of the first drop sits. Exaggerating some small elevation changes might make the area more interesting to the viewers eye. Same with the staton area, the land under the queue and station seem to sit just a little higher than the rest of the layout.
The layout here actually fits together with the crossings in roughly the right spots, which is something Ive always struggled with in my attempts, so great job there. The supports are convincing while being easy to read, another plus in my book. The turnaround right after the first drop isnt quite that semetrical imo. Sorry for the crappy google street screenshot taken on my phone, but I think it illustrates:
It kind of looks like the first half is how you have it, then once the track is turned north, Id level it out and finish the turn to face east. Then use a steep drop to get back down to ground level. Thats also kind of what this element feels like when you ride it: banked turning rise, kind of levels out halfway through, awkwardly finish the turn with a steep drop back to the ground.
Good luck with the rest of the park! Be careful about how long this park actually is on the south side. Fitting in a out-and-back hyper, soak city, Excalibur, and Steel Venom (and the rest of the Route 66 area) along the same line with almost no length overlap eats up tiles fast. Excited to see where this goes!