Those supports must've been quite a hell... But well worth it, they look awesome. The whole screen has this cool Western atmosphere I dig. One tip, try to keep consistent with your roof colours in an area.
Wow, the coaster looks like a lot of a work was put into it. Awesome job. Although, I do agree with the rest about the station roof. The salmon colored roof throws it a bit off.
I always love this kind of super compact and heavily supported coasters ! I like everything except the paths to be honest. It doesn't look very bad but just feels déjà vu... But I guess it's a work in progress !
I'm liking the larger-scale coasters we've got on the front page right now. Delicious spaghetti, (GordonRamsey.jpg), do keep updating the surroundings!
Damn, what a supporting work you did there! Kudos, it makes the coaster look really, really good. I also think the roof colors don't really fit. Otherwise, really lovely screen and it will be even more lovely when there are lanterns, benches, bins on the paths and peeps in it.
I loved the station
What a lovely mess of track and supports.
Those supports must've been quite a hell... But well worth it, they look awesome. The whole screen has this cool Western atmosphere I dig. One tip, try to keep consistent with your roof colours in an area.
Yeah too many roof colors.. otherwise very enjoyable work here.
I always love this kind of super compact and heavily supported coasters ! I like everything except the paths to be honest. It doesn't look very bad but just feels déjà vu... But I guess it's a work in progress !
I'm liking the larger-scale coasters we've got on the front page right now. Delicious spaghetti, (GordonRamsey.jpg), do keep updating the surroundings!
Is this the final color scheme?
That frisbee is weak bro.
This is why I quit lol, too much time to make supports like that.
Damn, what a supporting work you did there! Kudos, it makes the coaster look really, really good. I also think the roof colors don't really fit. Otherwise, really lovely screen and it will be even more lovely when there are lanterns, benches, bins on the paths and peeps in it.