This looks great! Very clean and distinct. Nice work!
I like it, I think some more could go into the transfer track. That looks like a few sticks at the moment
Thanks for the comments guys. I went back and improved some of the area such as the mech bay and the transfer mechanism.
Pretty small screen, that update, but from what I can see you made good improvements to the transfer track. It's nice and clean NSCO, good work with that.
Just playing around with some NCSO on the Build Your Own SFGAdv scenario.
This looks great! Very clean and distinct. Nice work!
I like it, I think some more could go into the transfer track. That looks like a few sticks at the moment
Thanks for the comments guys. I went back and improved some of the area such as the mech bay and the transfer mechanism.
Pretty small screen, that update, but from what I can see you made good improvements to the transfer track. It's nice and clean NSCO, good work with that.