Screenshot / A Clearing
07-June 19
The Good Earth
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- Comments 11
A reprieve from the surrounding dense plant life is found at the confluence of three distinct areas.
The ancient buildings of Beer-sheba (top left) overlook the clearing, offering a refreshing view out of the crowded city center.
The hive-like bustle of Gondwana (bottom left) comes to a point at the clearing with twin whoa bellys, themselves nearly overgrown with vines and bushes.
A saline aroma drifts in from nearby Magnolia Bay (right), carrying to the clearing the sound of deckhands at the docks hollering and birds chirping from the thick undergrowth.
At the crossroads lies a shaded seating area and a rustic abandoned well. This innocuous yet irreplaceable clearing is the next location to be presented as part of the Good Earth.
Check out the project page to see a progress update on the construction of this park. -
3 fans
Fans of this screenshot
Lovely screen csw! Love the atmosphere in this shot! This whole project is looking very promising!!!
Tons of personality in the architecture.
this is nice, i really love the colors and the foliage is pretty
Colours are wonderful indeed. Peach and light blue is great.
Not sure about those track pieces on the lawn on the right side. Other than that, this looks very pleasant. Nothing flashy about it, but it doesn't get boring to look at. The composition and the varied textures are what makes it so interesting, I think.
This is one of the best screens I have seen in a while
The structures are wonderfully unique. The colours, the layers, the placements, the whole mise-en-scene, just superb!
The side friction is by far my favourite thing about this.
There's so much to see here. Great screen. The colours are fantastic.
Very classy and clean. I like this.
Otsdarva Offline
Really well done. I like the use of the Town Hall object.