Yeah. It's crazy how well this holds up. This was two years before H2H5! And before El Encierro, which made a much bigger splash and was a milestone from the start.
Technical stuff aside, I also love the way this design looks. The landscaping is very unique. Very open, lots of elevation (that ravine!!), and like MTC mentions, all the flowers. The flowers play a quiet role in the absolutely perfect colour scheme. Lush green foliage, fresh blue stream and waterfalls, bright pink and yellow coaster, and to perfectly complement all that, a warm tan path that lies in this landscape like a snake. I wouldn't change a thing!
Big patience in making these supports.
A flower here another there, looks great.
Technical stuff aside, I also love the way this design looks. The landscaping is very unique. Very open, lots of elevation (that ravine!!), and like MTC mentions, all the flowers. The flowers play a quiet role in the absolutely perfect colour scheme. Lush green foliage, fresh blue stream and waterfalls, bright pink and yellow coaster, and to perfectly complement all that, a warm tan path that lies in this landscape like a snake. I wouldn't change a thing!
The world really needs another gee release.
this was the design that pulled me into NE and parkmaking in general... hasn't lost any of it's charm or brilliance