The colours are lovely indeed. Who would've thought that brown+yellow+orange would be this nice? Loving the single tile wide paths too. Nice vibes. What park is this?
Oh I am not worried and completely understand. This wasn't a jab at you guys...just hinting to those that didn't know that it is coming. I am happy there's a lot of new stuff and have been enjoying it...means the community is healthy and still being creative.
The colours are lovely indeed. Who would've thought that brown+yellow+orange would be this nice? Loving the single tile wide paths too. Nice vibes. What park is this?
It is a 50x50 based on a dead contest park from LL days where we had to pick a company to theme to...I landed Hershey's but the contest died.
As much as I hate Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, I actually kind of like the architecture! Honestly I'd like to see what that canal is
hpg Offline
Reese's in Pieces!
Man this brings me back. Good to see you around Kai. :-)
That's why we are here afterall!