Good take on it! The explosion is a nice touch, maybe some vents and other roof details could make it pop a bit more?
Not a very busy day at the store. I think the red things are a bit tall, and like Barn said vents will help alot. Cool stuff.
I'm not familiar with the source material, but if it's a store, I'd suggest to add some little details to make it alive. Biggest problem here IMO is the roof. Some air vents, AC units... would help this along.
Tired to build the Mega Lo Mart from King of the Hill
Good take on it! The explosion is a nice touch, maybe some vents and other roof details could make it pop a bit more?
Not a very busy day at the store. I think the red things are a bit tall, and like Barn said vents will help alot. Cool stuff.
I'm not familiar with the source material, but if it's a store, I'd suggest to add some little details to make it alive. Biggest problem here IMO is the roof. Some air vents, AC units... would help this along.