Excellent work from you as always. I think your architecture is great, but the colors are a bit too bright for it being a 'ruins' theme. I'd suggest maybe a different color brown. Not sure if you've messed with changing the color palettes in game very much, but i'd recommend the Mekong color palette, as it gives you a couple different choices of browns to mix in there.
If your going for a more ruined look I would say maybe try using a different type of roof other than the corrugated steel. Something like like a Spanish roof would blend a bit better. I’ll mirror cities and say it’s a fantastic show art though.
If your going for a more ruined look I would say maybe try using a different type of roof other than the corrugated steel.
thanks for the feedback man, I 100% switch that up. I think i just subconsciously chose the corrugated roofs because all the pieces I needed were in the workbench I was using haha
Hey I'm looking for some feedback on my building style in this shot. This station will be part of a "ruins" themed area. I wanted to make sure I'm aware of areas i can improve on before moving forward with it. thanks:)
Excellent work from you as always. I think your architecture is great, but the colors are a bit too bright for it being a 'ruins' theme. I'd suggest maybe a different color brown. Not sure if you've messed with changing the color palettes in game very much, but i'd recommend the Mekong color palette, as it gives you a couple different choices of browns to mix in there.
Regardless, you're off to a great start!
Thanks for the feedback, I was looking for a good palette to use for this park, Ill definitely check this one out! much appreciated:)
thanks for the feedback man, I 100% switch that up. I think i just subconsciously chose the corrugated roofs because all the pieces I needed were in the workbench I was using haha