I cant tell if this is great subtle composition or h2h rushed mess. Maybe a bit of both
imho it is a fantastic example of how you can manage a busy area by choosing understated colors. I'm absolutely guilty of continuously making an area way too busy and then remembering I still need to add flowers, fences, etc., so I always end up choosing the lowest-contrast fencing and nice safe blendy foliage. The path ornamentation here and the ride colors are all able to step back and let the scene speak as a whole, it's really nicely done.
I really liked this area
imho it is a fantastic example of how you can manage a busy area by choosing understated colors. I'm absolutely guilty of continuously making an area way too busy and then remembering I still need to add flowers, fences, etc., so I always end up choosing the lowest-contrast fencing and nice safe blendy foliage. The path ornamentation here and the ride colors are all able to step back and let the scene speak as a whole, it's really nicely done.