very well organized, and really shows some skill here. I'd re-do the foliage as it's unkept right now (it's an entrance, man, why would you want peeps entering your park see unkept foliage?), and possibly work out the textures a bit.
^Haha, thanks. I live in Adelaide, and my Australia Day consists of trying to avoid the heat at all costs; slightly ironic that I prefer colder weather given my place of residence.
Cool entrance. The empty part of the pink bricks in the middle under the roof screams for you to put something like a sign or a clock on it though.
Edit: I see that there is already a clock right above it, so maybe a sign?
For some reason I like this very very much.
very well organized, and really shows some skill here. I'd re-do the foliage as it's unkept right now (it's an entrance, man, why would you want peeps entering your park see unkept foliage?), and possibly work out the textures a bit.
I like the country that you're from, good work.
Whereabouts are you? Have a good 'straya day?
^Haha, thanks. I live in Adelaide, and my Australia Day consists of trying to avoid the heat at all costs; slightly ironic that I prefer colder weather given my place of residence.