This map is really good. I'm also noticing new details in this screen. Your best work so far, and I'm excited to see that you haven't hit a wall yet in your development.
That church looks great, and the brick courthouse/townhall with the white spire looks period-accurate-af as well.
I like fall colors, and think they look good in RCT too, but pines like the pair of brown-leaved Corscian pines in the center of the pic (top-left of thumbnail) are evergreens, and wouldn't change colors in the fall. Might be a weird criticism, idk haha.
The wagon garages are clever. Is this available for download somewhere yet?
My entry in round 1 of the Defunct Finals on the RCT&F discord channel. We were tasked with building a small town, so I went with an old Puritan colony
I love this. "Church:The Ride"
The wagon garages made me laugh.
I'm not a fan of the road lines in the top right. The rest looks really nice
Reminds me of Banished.. fun little game
Nice, you're improving. You need to upload this to the database!
was beautiful
The atmosphere is really pretty. Nice work! Definitely gives off the vibe of that part of the country.
This map is really good. I'm also noticing new details in this screen. Your best work so far, and I'm excited to see that you haven't hit a wall yet in your development.
That church looks great, and the brick courthouse/townhall with the white spire looks period-accurate-af as well.
I like fall colors, and think they look good in RCT too, but pines like the pair of brown-leaved Corscian pines in the center of the pic (top-left of thumbnail) are evergreens, and wouldn't change colors in the fall. Might be a weird criticism, idk haha.
The wagon garages are clever. Is this available for download somewhere yet?